3 Best Plumbing Schools in Nashua, NH

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Plumbing Schools in Nashua, NH

Plumbing is an excellent career for someone who likes working with their hands and enjoys getting out and meeting people.

If you live in Nashua, New Hampshire, and want to become a plumber, there are a handful of different training options available.

Each will help you transition into a new and engaging career quickly and efficiently.

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1 Nashua Community College

About the School

NCC is the primary educational option in Nashua and provides multiple unique training programs.

Their foundations of plumbing course will help you prepare for this career by immersing you in the complex world of plumbing and teaching you about its unique concepts.

Courses Offered

If you want to learn the basic skills necessary for plumbing, this course is a good option for you.

It introduces you to the unique demands of this profession and highlights the importance of plumbers in a career that will likely skyrocket in need shortly.

During this class, you’ll learn various soft skills, such as communication, active listening, and reasoning skills.

These will help prepare you for working with customers and provide the unique experience you need to handle their demands in residential and commercial settings.

Furthermore, you’ll learn about essential math theories, plumbing concepts, pipe layout, installation, maintenance, repair, and more.

Enrolled students can also attend various National Apprenticeship Week events that help improve their education and further immerse them in plumbing.

Classes you’ll take during this course include plumbing history, codes, principles, tools, first aid, safety, water supply, waste disposal, mechanical properties, joining methods, geometry, and much more.

In this way, you’ll get the comprehensive support necessary to succeed.

Your course will cost $2,245 and includes 145-course hours over 12 months.

It’s a self-paced program, meaning you can take longer to complete the classes if necessary.

That’s nice if you’re a working professional or have limited time to attend school.

AddressAddress: 505 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03062

2 NH School of Mechanical Trades

About the School

NH School of Mechanical Trades provides two training locations in the state, including a Manchester location not far from Nashua.

It includes numerous training and plumbing courses that will prepare you for the unique demands of this career and ensure you get licensed effectively.

Courses Offered

NH School of Mechanical Trades provides an in-depth training program that helps students master various plumbing skills.

Their courses take up to 30 weeks, with some taking as little as eight, 10, and 15 weeks.

That means you can begin your career reasonably quickly.

During your course, you’ll learn essential plumbing theories in a classroom setting and get hands-on experience with plumbing in a lab and, later, an apprenticeship.

This school provides weekly payments and includes all books within your tuition costs.

Down payments are also taken out of your tuition.

You can take several different course schedules to ensure that you get the training you need.

For example, some day courses make sense for people who work night shifts or have children.

Likewise, the evening classes work better for people with a day job.

The basic Plumbing 101 course costs $2,400 with a $600 down payment and takes place over 15 weeks.

The evening courses cost $4,400 with a down payment of $650 over 30 weeks.

Finally, the four apprenticeship programs cost $1,500 with a down payment of $500 over 10 weeks.

AddressAddress: 7 Perimeter Road Manchester, NH 03103

3 Granite State Trade School

About the School

GSTS is a tech training program focused in Raymond, which is not far from Nashua.

It provides multiple training options for people interested in the plumbing field.

There are both online and in-person classes that can help you train for plumbing quickly and efficiently.

Courses Offered

GSTS provides in-depth plumbing training programs that help you transition into this career quickly.

Their courses focus on getting you your license and include theory-based programs that make your transition easier.

They focus on creating the best and more comprehensive training available for you.

For instance, you get training from professionals with a fundamental understanding of plumbing.

These aren’t just college professors who have read about plumbing in a book but experts who have worked as plumbers and who understand the unique demands of this profession.

On that note, you’ll get hands-on training alongside classwork that helps train you for this career.

You’ll learn about essential plumbing concepts, like water management, and then practice it in a lab setting.

In this way, you’ll use your skills practically and reinforce important lessons.

Even better, there are accelerated career training options that can help you become a plumber in a few months.

Many people sign up for this program because it helps them begin their careers more quickly.

As a result, room is often limited, and you need to sign up quickly to ensure you find a spot.

AddressAddress: 42 Old Manchester Road Raymond, NH 03077

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Schools Summary Table

Rank School
#1 Nashua Community College
#2 NH School of Mechanical Trades
#3 Granite State Trade School

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