Veterinary Technology Studies

By obtaining a degree in vet technology, you can put your love for animals to practical use.

Within only two years, vet technology majors study how to do multiple things that vets do.

Unlike vet technology, a veterinary degree takes eight years to complete.

Veterinary technicians (VT) in training learn how to anesthetize a cat for spaying, x-ray an arthritic dog, or analyze blood samples.

If you want to work alongside vets while keeping animals healthy and happy, this major can be a great choice for you.

Vet technology majors study how to care for animals and assist vets in research labs and veterinary practices.

VTs are tasked with a wide range of duties, including everything that vets do except performing surgery, making diagnoses, and prescribing medicine.

Are you ready to:

  • Pass an exam after graduation to earn the right to work.
  • Practice dental work on dogs in a “wet lab” course.
  • Risk getting bitten, scratched, or kicked by an upset animal.
  • Study science and build computer skills.
  • Care for campus animals.
  • Analyze the urine and blood samples.

You should be:

A team player with good communication and people skills, attentive, responsible, conscientious, and precise.

College Checklist

  • Is the program accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association?
  • Does the department have an internship program that will give you real-world experience at a variety of veterinary sites?
  • What species of animals, if any, live on campus?
  • How many courses provide hands-on experience working with animals?

Did You Know?

It’s important for VTs to work with people just as with animals.

You may work together with a scientist team or discuss the illness of an animal with its owner.

Course Spotlight

Veterinary Physiology and anatomy is a core course that diversifies the thin-skinned from the VTs who need to be comfortable with procedures such as drawing blood.

There’s a good chance you may have to dissect a dead animal in the lab.

However, you may have the option of using a computer model instead.

Not Interested in Veterinary Technicians?

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