3 Best Electrician Schools in Chicago, IL

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Electrician Schools in Chicago, IL

If you want to become an electrician, rest assured that this is a great decision.

The demand for electricians is rising, and the tuition for an electrician course is lower than that of a four-year college.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in this field will grow by 7% by 2031.

One reason for this is that technological advancements require that most homes and buildings have wiring, which will have to be installed by electricians.

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Additionally, between 2021 and 2031, more than 70,000 jobs are estimated to open due to many electricians retiring or changing their field of work.

1 HVAC Technical Institute

This minority-owned trade school has been around since 1994.

Around 175 students receive their certification in electrical industries and HVAC annually through the school.

The school offers programs in HVAC/R Training and Electrician Technician.

Electrician Technician Course: The program is divided into five levels:

NCCER Core Level: This level focuses on the basics of job-site safety, including avoiding dangers to one’s person and to property and the dangers associated with handling materials.

Students will also learn how to use hand and power tools safely, and how to take care of them.

NCCER Level 1: At this level, students will learn the safety rules and regulations, such as the National Electrical Code (NEC) procedures, the OSHA procedures, and the Chicago Code.

This level also focuses on things like circuits and circuit analysis, electrical concepts, types of conductors, conduit bending and installations, electrical devices, and wiring techniques.

NCCER Level 2: This module introduces topics such as AC/DC motors, the bending of conduits up to 6 in, applications of fuse and circuit breakers, and junction boxes and handholes.

Additionally, at this level, students will learn the NEC and Chicago Code requirements for installing cable trays and installations.

NCCER Level 3: At the third level, students will learn about switchgears, the types of transformers, switchboards, video cabling systems, how to properly select and size fuses and circuit breakers, and more.

The rules and regulations taught in this module are the NEC requirements for commercial services, as well as for equipment that is being installed in hazardous locations.

NCCER Level 4: The module goes over things like heat tracing systems, the types of transformers, the basics of calculation procedures for residential and commercial procedures, the installation of electric circuits, and the operation of basic electronic devices.

At this level, students will also learn the NEC and Chicago Code requirements for selecting and installing equipment and the ones for storage batteries, electric generators, medium-voltage terminations, and cable manufacturers.

The electrical technician course can be taken during the day or night.

The daytime program lasts 33 weeks, and the classes are from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 2:30 pm.

The nighttime program lasts 48 weeks, and the classes are from Monday to Wednesday, from 6 pm to 10:30 pm.

AddressAddress: 4532 S Kolin Ave, Chicago, IL 60632

2 Lincoln Tech

The school offers classes in various fields in fourteen states throughout the country.

The Illinois campus is located in a Melrose Park suburb, right outside Chicago.

The programs are divided into categories such as:

  • Aesthetics
  • Automotive Technology
  • Collision Repair & Refinishing
  • Diesel Technology
  • Electrical/Electronics
  • and more

Electrical Training: Students can choose between the Electrician Training program, and the Electrical & Electronic Systems Technology program

These options allow students to find the program that best suits their needs and career plans.

  1. Electrician Training: The program lasts 1200 hours, divided into 864 hours of classroom instruction and 336 hours of on-the-job hours in the shop.

The program covers topics such as electrical, motor, and generator theory, electrical codes, commercial and residential wiring, and OSHA requirements.

Students will also learn about power generation and distribution, alarm and CCTV systems, semiconductor applications, and more.

Once graduated, students are eligible to work as electrician apprentices.

  1. Electrical & Electronic Systems: Students will learn how to install and maintain alarm systems, lighting fixtures, service panels, industrial motors, conduit benders, and cabling systems.

The program also focuses on installing and troubleshooting systems and equipment like cabling and alarm systems, home theater, and closed-circuit television systems.

AddressAddress: 8317 W. North Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160

3 West Chicago Professional Center

The vocational school offers training to those who wish to start their careers in air conditioning and heating or as electrical technicians.

The programs offered by the school combine in-class instruction with hands-on training, with the end goal being for students to obtain their licensure or certification and join the workforce right after graduation,

Students can complete their desired program in an accelerated manner and start working right after graduation.

The professional center also offers job placement assistance, where students will receive help writing a resume, preparing for an interview, and identifying and following job leads.

Electrical Course: The course is 150 hours long and combines classroom instruction with hands-on training.

The program lasts twelve weeks and is divided into three classes – beginner’s, intermediate and advanced; each lasts four weeks.

Classes are held three times a week, and each class is four hours long.

Students can choose a morning, afternoon, or evening class to meet their needs.

To be accepted into the program, participants must provide their high school diploma or GED or the approval of the school’s director.

AddressAddress: 245 W. Roosevelt Rd. Building 1, Unit 4, West Chicago, IL 60185

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Schools Summary Table

Rank School
#1 HVAC Technical Institute
#2 Lincoln Tech
#3 West Chicago Professional Center

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