How to Become a Locksmith in Colorado

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How to Become a Locksmith in Colorado

Becoming a locksmith is a career choice with a lot of opportunities.

While many people with this certification choose to operate their own business, it is also possible to work with major companies designing safes and new locking mechanisms.

For many locksmiths, the appeal of this career field is the ability to work for a wide variety of people, the constant challenge of solving new puzzles, and the flexibility of choosing your own hours.

Steps to Become a Locksmith in Colorado

The state of Colorado does not require any specific types of certification in order to open a locksmith business or even operate as a locksmith.

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That means that becoming a locksmith only requires the right kind of training.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways that a person can get trained to become a locksmith.

Online classes and on-site classes are both available in the state.

There are also locksmiths that are self-taught, or who learn the craft by apprenticing under another locksmith.

While these methods might be a good way to learn the profession for some people, they are also the most time-consuming.

Licensing Requirements to Become a Locksmith

The state of Colorado does not require any specific licensure to become a locksmith.

There may be local county or city requirements, however.

Check with your local governing bodies to determine if you need to register as a locksmith.

Be aware that locksmith businesses will need to get a business license.

Locksmith Programs

There are multiple programs in Colorado that can give a person all the training they need to become a locksmith.

Online training classes are the most popular choice due to their flexibility with scheduling.

In-person classes are offered in many major cities.

Training programs are usually about six weeks when a person is attending classes full-time, but it can take longer if a person chooses classes that are designed to be taken part-time.

While many of these programs accept students with no prior experience, successful students will usually have some familiarity with the mechanisms they will be working with.

Students who have installed or cracked the locks in their home, for example, will show the kind of aptitude to be very successful in this carer field.


The median salary for a locksmith in Colorado is about $54,000 a year.

This amount tends to be slightly higher in major urban centers than in rural areas.

Typical salaries for this position range between $40,000 and $67,000 a year.

Newcomers to the field can expect to earn in the lower part of this range, while higher salaries are usually earned by more established locksmiths who have their own businesses.

It is possible to earn much more if a locksmith expands his or her business to include other fields or employs other locksmiths.

Be aware that many locksmiths are part-time; they operate a locksmith business around another job or only choose to work part-time.

While this type of work does lend itself very well to this type of schedule, it does make it hard to get accurate statistics in regards to salary.

Annual Salary Range:
Annual Salary by Location:
Location Avg. Annual Salary
Denver $54,670
Colorado Springs $53,805
Aurora $54,633
Lakewood $60,275
Fort Collins $52,626
Arvada $54,670
Pueblo $50,134
Westminster $54,670
Boulder $55,378
Thornton $54,670

Regional Salary in Colorado

Region Employed Avg. Annual Salary Avg. Hourly Pay Top 10% Annual Salary Bottom 10% Annual Salary
Colorado Springs, CO30$45,720$21.98$63,650$28,460
Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO170$50,030$24.05$65,960$35,630
* Salary information based on the May 2022 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Locksmiths and Safe Repairers, OCC Code 49-9094, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check my local licensing requirements?

Although there are no state licensure requirements in Colorado, there are some municipalities that require locksmiths to be licensed or registered.

This requirement is usually so that local law enforcement can keep a record of the people who have the ability to pick locks.

For this reason, some smaller areas have their registry through the local sheriff’s office.

What are the start-up costs for a locksmith business?

Start-up costs can vary a lot based on how complicated you want a locksmith business to be.

Many new locksmiths are able to start a business for just a few hundred dollars, however.

Because the majority of this work does not require a storefront or office, a lot of locksmiths work from their homes.

After investing in a set of tools and some advertising, there are very few other upfront costs.

In fact, many people choose this career field because of the low start-up costs.

It is fairly easy to start a part-time locksmith business while keeping another job, and slowly grow the business until it becomes full-time.

What if I do not want to own my own business?

There are a lot of options in this career field for people who do not want to own their own business.

While many locksmiths choose to work for a larger locksmith service, there are also other opportunities in the security industry.

Many locksmiths work for private security companies, lock and safe manufacturers, and large corporations or real estate firms.

USA Locksmith Training by State

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  1. Avatar for Yossi Yossi

    Who typically becomes a locksmith?

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