How Much Does SAT Cost?

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$ SAT: $47 $ $ Preparation Classes: $250-$1,400 $ $ $ SAT Tutoring: $2,000+

One of the two major entrance exams for U.S. colleges is the SAT Reasoning Test.

The test is administered by the Educational Testing Service and is owned by the College Board.

Its prices are set by The College Board, as being responsible for the administration of the exams.

Typical Costs

  • SAT price is $47.
  • In some colleges, the applicants need further to take SAT subject tests in various fields such as mathematics, physics, foreign language, and literature.
  • The SAT subject tests are priced at $10 also, and $21 for language tests.
  • An inexpensive way to prepare for the test is the self-guided test preparation programs.
  • The SAT online preparation available on the official website costs $69.95; while the official test guide is priced at $21.99.
  • The other available SAT guides are priced at $9.99.
  • The Princeton Review and Kaplan offer SAT preparation classes, which are more expensive yet provide an individualized approach for exam preparation.
  • Based on the provider and the instructional time in the classroom, classes cost $250$1,400.
  • Normally, the price of individual tutoring is more than $100 per hour and involves at least 20 hours.
  • The two leading sources of classes and tutoring are Kaplan and The Princeton Review, and some community colleges also offer test preparation courses.
  • The National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, also known as the Preliminary SAT, costs $14 and is a way for sophomores and juniors to be prepared for the SAT.

What Is Included

  • Compared to ACT, SAT is rather based on testing the critical thinking skills of the students, where ACT focuses on the things that students have learned in high school.
  • The test fee of $47 covers the basic test and the high school score report, as well as the score distribution to up to four colleges or universities.
  • Minimum 18 hours of instruction, plus classroom-setting mentoring on the strategies of test-taking and in-class reviews of practice tests are included in the test prep classes.
  • Score improvement guarantees are included in many classroom programs.
  • The price of SAT prep classes is from $250 to $1,400.
  • Minimum 20 hours of individual guidance on how to improve scores in specific subject areas and more flexibility on scheduling is offered in the tutoring.

Additional Costs

  • The rest of the registration fees for SAT are the standby testing ($41), the late registration ($24), the changes in the test center or date ($24 each) and the scores by phone ($13).
  • In case the student applies to more than four colleges, then the SAT administration will send the scores to the additional colleges as well for the price of $10 each.
  • There is also an option for the scores to be sent electronically for an additional $29.
  • SAT Subject Tests preparation includes additional classroom time and cost.
  • The subject tests tutoring can cost up to $2,900.


  • Fee waivers are possible for students with financial need, and they have to contact their high school counselors for more details.
  • On websites like Powell’s Books can be found used SAT guides.
  • Students should be careful with the used SAT guide, as the questions of the test and its format are revised from time to time.

Shopping For The SAT

  • The time and place to schedule the test should be carefully chosen, as there is a charge to change them.
  • Some test preparation companies provide online classes and tutoring and can offer a relaxed studying environment and flexibility in scheduling.
  • The Princeton Review and Kaplan provide SAT test prep.
  • Visit the local community colleges and ask about the SAT preparation courses.

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