How Much Does MCAT Cost?

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$ Registration Fee: $235

MCAT or the Medical College Admissions Test is administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Typical Costs

  • The regular registration fee for MCAT is $240.
  • The regular registration is possible up to 14 days before the test date; however, an early registration as much as 60 days in advance is required by some testing locations.
  • The international testing sites outside the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are an additional sum of $80, or a total of $320.
  • Additional $70 are the late registration fee costs where the late registration closes 7 days before the test date.
  • Another $70 is the date reschedule fee.
  • And another $70 is the fee for a test center change.

What Is Included

  • Since 2007, the MCAT is a computerized exam.
  • Each year the test is offered 22 times on weekdays and Saturdays at various locations across the U.S. and on in some international testing centers.
  • The MCAT test is 4 hours and 25 minutes and covers an additional hour of breaks between the sections, a required examinee agreement and an optional survey or a total “seat” time of 5 hours and 25 minutes.
  • The test covers the four main topics: verbal reasoning (40 questions), physical sciences (52 questions), biological sciences (52 questions) and writing sample (2 prompts).
  • Every section of the MCAT covers several experimental questions that do not count toward the final score.
  • A detailed analysis of each section and registration details for all test takers is included in the MCAT Essentials document.
  • At the participant’s request, the MCAT test can be voided at no cost  – this means that an individual attended the testing session, but does not wish to have his or her scores recorded.
  • When a participant chooses to void the test, the score is not reported; however, it counts as one of the three possible attempts of the individual at MCAT in that year.

Additional Costs

  • MCAT study tools, including the test prep books, can cost $20-$120.
  • The in-person and online MCAT study courses typically range from $160 to $2,000 and private tutoring can add $75-$250 per hour.
  • In case an applicant believes there is a scoring error, he or she may provide a written request for a rescore of the exam for $55 if per section or $110 for the entire exam.
  • If the test-taker believes a particular question is wrong, they are allowed to write the AAMC to challenge the test question but only within five days of the test date.


A Fee Assistance Program is offered by The Association of American Medical Colleges for those applicants whose total family income is 300 percent or less of the poverty level.

There is a possibility for a reduced MCAT testing fee of $85 (regular $235) and an option for this sum to be fully refundable if the registrant decides to cancel.

Shopping For The MCAT

According to the Georgia Tech Office of Pre-Health Advising, it is advisable for the students to plan to take the MCAT during the same year they plan to apply for medical school.

For instance, an applicant that wants to attend medical school in 2013 has to take the MCAT and apply for medical school in 2012.

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