10 Signs Your Job Interview Went Well (According To Research)

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Signs Your Job Interview Went Well

A job interview is a nerve-wracking experience that requires some good preparation.

The interview itself is stressful but it can be even harder when it is finished you need to wait for results.

Fortunately, there are some things that can help you to understand whether your interview was successful or not.

You just need to be attentive to notice some signs during and after the interview that can help you to understand how you’ve coped with it.

Just reflect on your interview after it is finished and analyze it.

The only point is that you need to understand what you need to look for.

In such a way you can estimate your chances of getting a job.

In this article, we’ve collected some tips that can help you understand how successful your interview was.

Also, there are some tips for those who want to be well-prepared for the upcoming job interview.

How Long Does a Good Interview Last?

In fact, it is hard to say how long a job interview can last.

If it is too short, your potential employer may not be able to get enough info about you.

In some cases, a short interview may indicate that an employer isn’t interested in your candidacy and doesn’t want to waste the time and investment.

In any case, it is an employer who decides on the interview duration and you shouldn’t try to make it shorter or longer.

If it is a face-to-face interview, it usually lasts for about 30 minutes.

When it comes to a phone interview, its duration can be the only indicator of its success as it is hard to read some other indicators.

It happens because some people may feel awkward during phone talks and you cannot read a body language.

Getting a Job, Interview, Tips

If your phone interview lasted for about 30 minutes, it may indicate that your potential employer was interested in your answers and wanted to listen to you.

However, if after your interview is finished you still cannot understand whether it was successful, there is no need to panic.

Just use the tips from this article and try to think whether there were any signs listed below.

Interview Duration

Of course, we’ve already mentioned an average duration of an interview but there can be some exceptions.

However, you need to avoid pushing to have a longer interview as usually, employers have pretty tight schedules when it comes to interviewing potential employees especially when there are lots of them.

If you understand that an interviewer asks some additional and even off-topic questions it can be a good sign.

In case your interviewer extends the time of your conversation, it can mean they are interested in your candidacy.

Most interviews will hardly throw off the schedule without a good reason.

So, if your interview was longer than others it may mean that they were interested in your answers and tried to learn more.

Body Language

Having a face-to-face interview, you can read your interviewer’s body language.

In fact, it can tell you a lot about the attitude and feelings of an interviewer.

Positive and negative body language signs can be recognized and you need to be able to read them and understand.

Among the most frequent positive body language signs there are:

  • Consistent eye contact;
  • Smiling;
  • Leaning forward to hear.

Try to notice these subtle signs as they can indicate that your interview was successful and your interviewer was intrigued and interested.

At the same time, when an interviewer lean back, looks down and crosses arms over the chest, it means an opposite thing.

If you aren’t good at reading a body language, try to look for some positive affirmations.

There are usually some responses that are hard to not to notice.

If your interviewer uses such phrases as “That’s a great answer,” or “That’s what we’re looking for,” you can easily understand their attitude.

A combination of both positive body language and affirmations is an excellent sign of the fact your interviewer is really interested.

You ‘Click’ with the Interviewer

Sometimes it may happen that you have a rapport with your interviewer.

If your interview feels like casual and open, it is a good sign.

While feeling like having a conversation with a friend and not just an employer, it will let you be less stressed-out and confident.

Interview, Getting a Job, Tips, Successful Interview

In any case, you need to keep a professional demeanor but if you understand that you have a connection with your interviewer, it is a good sign.

The personality of an employee is not less important than professional skills and knowledge.

In other words, your chances to get a job higher when your interviewer likes your personality.

Due to your personality, employers can think that you can help them succeed, motivate and inspire others.

Interviewer Is Interested Whether You’re in Demand

“Are you interviewing with anyone else?” is an important question that you need to pay attention to.

It is a good sign if your interviewer is interested in your other job prospects.

It can indicate that they try to understand how fast they should be making a decision so they won’t lose your candidacy.

If you are interviewing with some other companies, they may be obliged to make a decision faster.

In case, right after your first interview, you were signed for the second one or even to the next stage, it means that your potential employer is really under pressure.

In fact, the sooner your potential employer moves you to the next stage, the higher their interest in your candidacy.

You Meet Important People

Also, during an interview, most people cannot meet with big decision-makers and potential colleagues.

Usually, it is you and your interviewer (sometimes a small group of other applicants) participate in an interview.

However, if during your interview, you were invited to meet with some people within a company, it is a good sign.

Just keep in mind that it is still an interview and you need to make a good first impression.

Your potential employer will for sure evaluate the way you interact with others.

It may happen that you’ve “clicked” with your interviewer but not with other people from a company.

In any case, keep professional and be attentive while communicating with others.

You’re Told About Your Future Responsibilities

In most cases, interviewers tend to stay neutral and usually talk about what a successful employee will do in the position you are applying for.

If you’ve noticed that their language changed, you need to be more attentive.

For example, if your interviewer becomes more personal and tells you about your responsibilities instead of some candidate, it is a good sign.

Of course, it can be a mistake but only if it happened once.

But if an interviewer follows this line during your conversation, it means that you are considered as a good fit for the job.

Job Interview, Career, Tips, Positive Signs

Also, sometimes interviewers may mention a salary.

The point is that interviewers tend to avoid this topic while communicating with potential employees.

However, if they are interested in hiring you and seriously think about it, they may mention the issue in order to keep you interested.

In other words, it is one of the best indicators, that they really want to hire you.

You Feel Excited

After your interview is finished, it time to consider your feelings about it.

You may be unsure of the interview results but still, it is important to understand how you feel about this job and provided options.

If you are excited about how the interview went, you may consider it as a good sign.

In case the interviewer tried to sell you on the job, there is a high possibility that they are sold on you filling it.

In other words, when you are told about the benefits of the job and the company, it is more likely your interviewer tries to make sure you’ll be excited about this opportunity.

If, after the interview, you feel extremely interested in this job, it means that the interviewer did some great job and sold you on their offer.

Also, if your questions are answered thoroughly, it is another good sign.

When an interviewer is interested in your candidacy, they try to provide you with all the information you are interested in.

In such a way, they try to reduce your doubts and confusion as much as possible.

Your Name Is Used Frequently

Despite being a subtle sign, it is an important aspect you need to pay attention to.

Usually, an interviewer may use your name more frequently to engage you.

In such a way, they try to picture you as a part of the team.

It is mean that they already consider you as a good fit for the job and a potential colleague.

However, it is easy to skip this sign as most of us used to hear our name constantly.

Try to be attentive and don’t miss this important sign.

You Get a Solid Timeframe

Each company has its own interview process.

Some of them use strict policies while others give preference to a more casual approach.

In any case, if your interviewer lets you know about when you can expect the result and what you may be required to do after it, it is an absolutely positive sign.

It indicates that your potential employer is really interested in your candidacy.

Also, it gives you an opportunity to get ready for the call.

Your interviewer may call you to inform about the next stage or the fact that you are hired.

Usually, there are few reasons, why they provide you this info.

First of all, they want to make sure that you’ll answer the call.

Interview, Getting a Job, Useful Tips, Getting a Response

Also, in such a way they may want to make sure that you won’t get an interview with another employer.

Being confident that you’ll get a call and proceed with your interview, you may be not so eager to look for other offers.

You’re Invited to Ask Questions

To begin with, make sure to prepare some questions that interest you beforehand so you can avoid some confusing or regretful experience.

Of course, you won’t be able to think about any question that may interest you as there can be some questions that just pop in your head during the interview.

If you are invited to ask some questions or even send them later via email, it is a positive indicator.

In such a way, your potential employer wants to make sure that you are confident in your decision to apply for this job.

An employer is interested in you and wants to make sure that you also interested in them.

If you have any doubt or feel confused about some aspects, it is possible that you can decide to look for other career options.

So, if you have an opportunity to ask some questions, don’t lose it.

What to Do After a Job Interview

As soon as your interview is completed, you can breathe a sigh of relief especially if you’ve noticed some positive signs.

Just remember that a post-interview process is no less important as an interview itself.

If you want to make sure that your post-interview is positive, you can use the tips below:

Analyze how your interview went and whether there were aby positive signs that can indicate you have high chances to be hired. Analyze some of the best moments of your interview and think about your mistakes and try to consider what you could so to avoid them and make an interview better.

Think about your attitude towards the company and analyze the facts you’ve learned about it during the interview. Consider the facts that make you feel excited and the points that disappoint you.

Make sure you have all the necessary contact information before leaving after the interview is finished. You can ask e receptions to provide you with emails of an interviewer and other people you’ve communicated with.

Even if your interview was successful it doesn’t mean you should give up on your job search. If there are some more interviews with other companies in your schedule, don’t cancel them as there can be much better options.

Interview, Job Search, Career, Tips, Guide

When Is It Necessary to Send a Thank You Email?

A thank you email is an important part of any interview as it is an essential etiquette rule you need to follow.

Also, it can add you some points and doesn’t require much time or effort.

Just keep in mind that there some etiquette tips you need to follow while writing this email.

First of all, you need to write this email as soon as possible.

For example, if the interview took place this morning, make sure to write the email till the end of the day.

If it was in the evening, you can send your thank you email in the morning the next day.

While writing a letter, recap some clue points of the interview.

It can be your reasons to apply for the job or answer for some question you weren’t able to answer during the interview itself.

Make sure, your letter is personal. For example, if your interview was held by a few people, don’t try to write a general letter and better write separate letters for each person.

In such a way you can make a stronger impression.

Also, don’t forget to make sure that the letters are different as they can be forwarded from one person to another.

Moreover, an email is not always an option as it significantly depends on the company itself.

Some traditional and small companies give preference to a card in the mail.

It is a great opportunity to show that you are interested in the job and your potential employer will hardly miss it as it is a rare gesture nowadays

However, when it comes to large companies, an email can be a better option.

You just need to judge the company style properly to make the proper choice.

Also, it is a good idea to send a personal LinkedIn request to your interviewer after a few days.

Make sure to add a small, personalized message that expresses your gratitude and interest.

One other point is that such an email is a great opportunity to learn about the interview results.

In such a way you can understand whether an interviewer responds to your letters.

They aren’t obliged to answer these letters but if you get a short response and some thank you words, it is a great sign that you’ll be hired.

How to Understand Whether You’ll Get Hired?

With the help of tips in this article, you can get a better understanding of your chances of getting a job.

You can pick up some of these signs during your interview but some of them can be caught only after some reflections.

Also, make sure to follow all the etiquette rules before, during and even after your interview.

If you are polite, kind, and courteous, your chances to get a job will increase significantly.

Don’t forget that if the company is interested in your candidacy, they’ll find a way to let you know about it.

There is no reason to panic or get disappointed if your interview was good but you haven’t gotten a call.

Each company has its own timelines when it comes to hiring new employers.

There is no reason to get discouraged as you still have a chance to hear back from your interviewer.

We hope this guide was useful for you and helped you significantly.

Just don’t forget about these tips during your interview and it will allow you to make this experience less stressful.

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