Nurse Aide NNAAP Practice Test

Here are 70 practice questions for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam.

This NNAAP exam prep covers all tested domains in the written portion of the exam, including 1) Physical Care Skills, 2) Psychosocial Care Skills and 3) Nurse Aide Role.

The National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) is the most significant nurse aide certification program in the U.S.

Nurse Aide NNAAP Practice Test

Congratulations - you have completed Nurse Aide NNAAP Practice Test. You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%. Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%
Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Please identify which of the following can cause constipation.
Delaying defecation
Diet is low on fiber
Lack of exercise
All of the above
Question 1 Explanation: 
Common causes of constipation include delaying defecation, low-fiber diet, low fluids intake, and lack of exercise, among others.
Question 2
Place identify which of the following statements indicates a measure to ensure patient safety.
Mandatory identifying of the patient before a procedure
Teaching the patient how to use the signal light
Frequently checking the patient's situation
All of the above
Question 2 Explanation: 
As a part of protecting the patient from harm different measures should be taken including identifying of the patient before a procedure, frequently checking the patient's situation, and explaining the patient how to use the signal light.
Question 3
As a result of a stroke, a patient's left visual field is affected. Taking this into account, when bringing a food tray to the patient the nurse should:
place all food on the right side of the tray
explain the patient upon leaving the tray that there is food across the whole tray
stay with the patient to supervise the eating and guide her to the food on the right side of the tray form time to time
None of the above
Question 3 Explanation: 
In this case the nurse should stay with the patient to supervise the eating and guide her to the food on the right side of the tray form time to time.
Question 4
Please indicate which of the following statements explains the correct way to support a patient with hemiplegia to get dressed.
Undress his or her affected side extremities last
Undress his or her affected side extremities first
Dress his or her affected side extremities first
A and C
Question 4 Explanation: 
A patient with hemiplegia should dress his or her affected side extremities first an undress his or her affected side extremities last
Question 5
Rehabilitation, as the process of supporting a person to reach their optimal health functions, focuses on which of the following?
The person as a whole
The person's disabilities
The person's physical health
The person's psychological well being
Question 5 Explanation: 
Rehabilitation, as the process of supporting a person to reach their optimal health functions, takes a holistic approach to care and focuses on the person as a whole.
Question 6
How can a nurse prevent pulmonary aspiration when providing oral care to an unconscious patient?
By wiping the patient's chin with dry towels
By putting the patient in a side-lying position with the head lower than the body
A and B
None of the above
Question 6 Explanation: 
To prevent pulmonary aspiration when providing oral care to an unconscious patient, the nurse should first place the patient in a side-lying position with the head lower than the body.
Question 7
If the cuff is too small on a patient, this will result in the blood pressure readings being distorted. In which way?
Higher than the real values
Lower than the real values
Random distortion
None of the above
Question 7 Explanation: 
Using a cuff that is too small for the patient will result in the blood pressure readings being higher than the real values.
Question 8
Please identify which of the following statements indicates an incorrect way off taking a patient's rectal temperature.
The nurse aide familiarizes the patient with the procedure and places him/her in the left-side lying position
The nurse aide applies a liberal amount of lubricant to the thermometer probe
The nurse aide separates the patient's buttocks with the help of the dominant hand to gain access to the anus
None of the above shows an incorrect way
Question 8 Explanation: 
The nurse aide separates the patient's buttocks with the help of the non-dominant hand to gain access to the anus, while the thermometer probe is held with the dominant hand and gently inserted into the patient's anus.
Question 9
Please identify which of the following statements indicate measures of care for a patient with fecal incontinence.
Assist the patient with elimination after meals
Provide skin care after elimination
Regular application of incontinence products to keep the bed environment clean
All of the above
Question 9 Explanation: 
A patient with fecal incontinence should be assisted with elimination after meals, provided with skin care after elimination and incontinence products should regularly be applied to keep the bed environment clean, among other care measures.
Question 10
Please identify what is the purpose of bladder training in patients with urinary incontinence.
To teach the patient to use the indwelling catheter
To help the patient regain control of bladder movement
To support the patient in learning to live with urinary incontinence
None of the above
Question 10 Explanation: 
The goal of bladder training is to help the patient regain control of bladder movement.
Question 11
A nurse aide is asked to provide a pair of sterile scissors. The nurse aide obtains a pair of scissors in the original packaging, which is slightly broken. Please identify what would be an adequate course of action for the aide.
The nurse aide should use the found pair of scissors since they have obviously not been touched
The nurse aide should consult another nurse on whether the found pair of scissors are sterile
The nurse aide should obtain another pair of scissors that has not been open
Since acting fast is a priority, the nurse aide can use the found pair of scissors in this situation, but otherwise not
Question 11 Explanation: 
The nurse aide should obtain another pair of scissors that has not been open, because any object that has been unwrapped or whose packaging is damaged is considered not sterile.
Question 12
Please identify which of the following statements is not correct of patients with dysphagia.
The patient should receive soft and pureed foods
The patient requires assistance during meals
The patient should be placed in Sim's position, while eating to help prevent aspiration
None of the above is incorrect
Question 12 Explanation: 
A position that can help prevent aspiration while swallowing for a patient with dysphagia is Fowler's position, not Sim's position.
Question 13
Please indicate which of the following is the correct position for a patient in preparation for the procedure of cleansing enema.
Semi Fowler's position
Sim's position where the patient is lying on the left side
Sim's position where the patient is lying on the left side
Knee-chest position
Question 13 Explanation: 
Sim's position where the patient is lying on the left side is the correct position for a patient in preparation for the procedure of cleansing enema.
Question 14
Apnea has been observed in a patient in Cheyne-Stokes respiration. What does this mean?
The patient has a pattern of shallow and fast respiration
The patient temporarily ceases to breathe during short intervals of about 10 seconds
The patient has difficulty swallowing
None of the above
Question 14 Explanation: 
Apnea in a patient in Cheyne-Stokes respiration means that the patient experiences temporary ceasation of breathing during short intervals of about 10 seconds.
Question 15
Please identify which of the following is not an appropriate action when providing foot care to a patient with diabetes.
The patient should have their feet washed and dried daily
The patient's feet should be washed in hot water
The patient should keep the feet up while seated and move the toes form time to time to maintain blood flow to the feet
A and B
Question 15 Explanation: 
When providing foot care to a patient with diabetes, it is important to note that the patient's feet should not be washed in hot water. The other statements refer to appropriate actions during diabetic patient's foot care.
Question 16
Please identify how should a patient be positioned, while giving him/her a back massage.
In supine position
In Fowler's position
In prone position
In dorsal recumbent position
Question 16 Explanation: 
For a back massage, a patient should be in prone position.
Question 17
Please identify which of the following statements gives an incorrect order of actions involved in giving a patient a bed bath.
Start with the face, and continue on to the chest, back, buttocks, and arms, finishing with the legs
Start with the face, and continue on to the arms, chest, legs, and back, finishing with the buttocks
Both are incorrect
There is no strict order in handling a patient for a bed bath
Question 17 Explanation: 
The correct way of conducting a bed bath is to follow the principle of washing the cleanest areas of the body first, moving on towards the least clean parts. Thus, start with the face, and continue on to the arms, chest, legs, and back, finishing with the buttocks.
Question 18
Place identify which of the following statements refers to your correct way to move a patient.
Maintain the patient or the moving object close to one's own body.
When moving a bed, set the bed height so that it is close to one's own waist.
Try to keep one's arms extended as much as possible to make pushing easier.
A and B
Question 18 Explanation: 
Important guidelines when moving a patient include: Maintain the patient or the moving object close to your own body; when moving a bed, set the bed height so that it is close to your waist; keep the moving object close to you.
Question 19
Please identify what is the correct position for a patient during intermittent feeding.
Reverse Trendelenburg position
Sim's position
Standing position
High Fowler's position
Question 19 Explanation: 
During intermittent feeding, a patient should be placed in high Fowler's position.
Question 20
To avoid spreading the bacteria, a nurse aide handling a patient with a severe virulent infection should follow which of the following Infection Control and Prevention precautions?
Standard precaution
Contact precaution
PPE (Personal Preventive equipment) at all times
A and B
Question 20 Explanation: 
A nurse aide handling a patient with a severe virulent infection should follow standard precaution and contact precaution practices.
Question 21
Place identify which of the following actions is in order before giving a patient bed bath.
Make sure the door is closed or locked
Explain all subsequent actions to the patient
Bring the patient's position to supine
None of the above
Question 21 Explanation: 
As before any other procedure, a nurse should familiarize the patient with all actions involved before giving a bed bath.
Question 22
Please identify what is the primary purpose of the procedure called cleansing enema.
Bring constipated patient's stool back to normal by improving gut flora
Stimulate the immediate expulsion of feces
Induce bowel movement to expel gas
None of the above
Question 22 Explanation: 
Cleansing enemas are performed using a stool softening solution to provoke bowel movement and the expulsion of the solution and feces.
Question 23
Please identify what is the reason for the upward insertion of the urethral male catheter.
To ensure painless insertion
It is the best way to avoid infections
To avoid causing pressure on the penoscrotal region
None of the above
Question 23 Explanation: 
The reason for the upward insertion of the urethral male catheter is to avoid causing pressure on the penoscrotal region.
Question 24
Please identify which of the following statements refers to an action that promotes patient safety when admitted for the first time.
Maintain a tidy environment
On both sides of the bed, the lights should be on
Open the windows to ensure air flow
A and B
None of the above
Question 24 Explanation: 
Maintaining a tidy environment and keeping the lights on on both sides of the bed are both actions that promote patient safety.
Question 25
Please identify which of the following is an action encouraging regular respiration in a chronic bronchitis patient.
Quitting smoking
Deep breathing exercises
Changing positions if the patient is bedridden
All of the above
Question 25 Explanation: 
Quitting smoking, deep breathing exercises, and changing positions if the patient is bedridden are all appropriate actions to encourage regular respiration in a chronic bronchitis patient.
Question 26
A patient has been prescribed a diet consisting of clear liquids. Please identify which of the following items is appropriate to be included in this patient's diet.
Plain gelatin
Ice cream
None of the above
A and B
Question 26 Explanation: 
A patient on a clear liquids diet should consume foods that are in a clear liquid state on room temperature, such as water and plain gelatin. Ice cream is not, because it contains a non-clear liquid, milk.
Question 27
The physician orders that a patient's weight be monitored daily. Which of the following actions would lead to inaccurate measurements.
The same scale is used every day
The patient's weight is measured at different times of the day each day
The patient is wearing different clothing each day
All of the above
B and C only
Question 27 Explanation: 
To ensure correct measurements, the nurse aide should make sure to use same scale is on each measurement, to check if the patient is wearing different clothing each day, to measure the patient's weight at the same time each day.
Question 28
Please identify which of the following is an incorrect action when palpating a patient's radial pulse.
The nurse aide should palpate the pulse on the inner side of the patient's wrist
Only the patient's left wrist should be used for palpating the radial pulse
The nurse aide should lay her thumb or index finger on the radial artery
B and C
Question 28 Explanation: 
When taking a patient's radial pulse, a nurse aide should never use her thumb. The radial pulse can be taken on either wrist of the patient.
Question 29
Please identify which of the following statements describes the third stage in the development of pressure ulcer.
The skin is not damaged, but redness has appeared and it won't subdue
The skin is damaged and there are blisters
The bones and/or muscles are visible
None of the above
Question 29 Explanation: 
The above statements A, B and C refer to the first, second and fourth stage of pressure ulcer formation respectively. In the third stage the skin is gone, but the bone and muscle are still not visible. There are underlying tissues visible and they are damaged.
Question 30
Please identify which of the following is not a symptom of hyperglycemia.
The patient urinates frequently
The patient has dry mouth and feels excessive thirst
The patient has been gaining weight
The patient feels fatigue and complains of cramps in the lags
Question 30 Explanation: 
All of the above explain possible high blood sugar symptoms, except for weight gain. Hyperglycemia patients lose weight.
Question 31
A nurse aide helping for the first time a resident patient to have his/her meal should take into account which of the following?
The nurse aide should ask the patient if they wish to pray before having a meal
The nurse aide should know how to determine the exact order of the foods
The nurse aide should avoid talking to the patient
B and C
Question 31 Explanation: 
A nurse aide assisting a resident patient with meals should ask the patient if he/she wishes to pray first, in what order he/she wishes the food to be served, and should lead an enjoyable conversation with the patient.
Question 32
A patient should avoid foods causing intestinal gas. Which of the following foods should not be included in this patient's meal plan?
Soda drinks
A and C
None of the above is a gas-forming food product
Question 32 Explanation: 
Cabbage and lentils fall among the foods that are most commonly linked to causing intestinal gas.
Question 33
In what position should a patient's legs be placed after his hip repair surgery?
Dorsal recumbent
Abduction of both legs
None of the above
Question 33 Explanation: 
After a hip repair surgery, the patient's both legs and hips should be placed in abduction.
Question 34
Please identify which of the following statements is not appropriate in the care for a bedridden patient with arthritis.
The nurse aide should monitor the patient's fluid intake
The nurse aide can provide massage to counteract the pain at times
The nurse aide should make sure not to move the patient on the bed
None of the above
Question 34 Explanation: 
In the case of a bedridden arthritis patient, the nurse aide should frequently change the patient's position. The other answers describe adequate actions.
Question 35
Please identify which statement refers to the proper way to elevate a patient's injured limb in a cast in order to prevent it from swelling.
The nurse aide elevates the injured limb using pillows or other support
The nurse aide turns the patient appropriately so that the injured limb ends on top
The nurse aide makes sure not to elevate the limb above the level of the heart
A and C
Question 35 Explanation: 
In elevating a patient's limb in a cast, the nurse aide uses pillows or other support and makes sure to elevate it above the level of the heart.
Question 36
Please identify which of the following statements describes an incorrect way to apply anti-embolic stockings on a patient with DVT.
They are applied while the patient is sited on the bed or on a chair
They are applied while the patient is still lying in bed
Before they are applied for the first time, the patient is measured to fitting
None of the above
Question 36 Explanation: 
Anti-embolic stockings should be applied before the patient stands or sits up, to make sure there is no swelling.
Question 37
Please identify which of the following statements about binders is correct.
The breast binder can be used to support women with breastfeeding.
The abdominal binder is applied with the patient in a standing position.
The double T-binder is used on female patients only.
None of the above
Question 37 Explanation: 
A breast binder is used in patients after breast surgery to help with breast support. The correct position while applying an abdominal binder is supine. The double T-binder is used on men.
Question 38
Please identify what is the correct definition of fluid output.
The sum total of all liquids discharged from the body is fluid output
Fluid output refers to the sum total of urine and perspiration
Fluid output must equal fluid input
A and C
None of the above
Question 38 Explanation: 
The sum total of all liquids discharged from the body is fluid output. Fluid output must equal fluid input.
Question 39
Please identify which of the following measures falls into the care plan for a patient with a cast on his left leg.
Monitor the toes on the injured leg for potential discoloration
Ensure that the cast is elevated for up to 48 hours
Monitor the injured extremity for foul odor potentially coming out of it
All of the above
A and C
Question 39 Explanation: 
When caring for a patient with a cast on one of his legs it is important to observe the toes on the injured leg for potential discoloration, ensure that the cast is elevated for up to 48 hours to prevent swelling, and monitor the injured extremity for foul odor.
Question 40
Please identify which of the following statements about flossing a patient's teeth is correct.
The nurse aide should use an approximately 10 inch piece of floss
The nurse aide should change the piece of floss with a new one after every row of teeth
The nurse aide should floss in the direction going from the upper back teeth towards the front
All of the above
Question 40 Explanation: 
When flossing a patient's teeth, the nurse aide should use an approximately 18 inch piece of floss, which can be used for all teeth. It is not necessary to get a new piece of floss, only to change the section of floss used for every other tooth.
Question 41
Please identify what is the correct way of providing penile hygiene in a safe and effective way.
The nurse aide uses soap in cleaning process
The nurse aide cleans the penis from the base working towards the tip of the penis
The nurse aide ensures the penis is fully dry after cleaning
All of the above
A and C only
Question 41 Explanation: 
Penile hygiene provided in a safe and effective way includes using soap with the water, cleaning from top towards the base and drying well after cleaning.
Question 42
Please identify which of the following is correct about placing an elastic bandage on a patient's arm.
The elastic bandage must be wrapped around the arm as tight as possible
The elastic bandage must be wrapped by slightly stretching it
A and B
None of the above
Question 42 Explanation: 
The elastic bandage must be wrapped by slightly stretching it, but not applied too tightly as this can stop circulation.
Question 43
Please identify which of the following is NOT part of a full-liquid diet.
Milk and cereal
A dessert containing gelatin
Vegetable broth
None of the above
Question 43 Explanation: 
All of the above can be included in a patient's diet with the requirement full-liquid.
Question 44
A NP has just collected the urine from a patient who is being monitored for urinary output. Please identify what would be the next action of the NP.
Inform the nurse of the amount of urine
Describe her observations of the urine in the chart
Wash hands
None of the above
Question 44 Explanation: 
After having collected the urine from a patient who is being monitored for urinary output, the nurse must wash her hands carefully.
Question 45
An elderly male resident is feeling restless and depressed. A NP is likely to be ordered to assist him with?
Watching TV
A walk outside
Changing his linen
None of the above
Question 45 Explanation: 
In this case, the NP is likely to be ordered to assist him with a walk outside.
Question 46
Please identify which of the following statements is correct about the order of the Kubler-Ross' stages of grieving.
Denial, followed by depression, followed by anger, followed by bargaining, followed by acceptance
Denial, followed by anger, followed by bargaining, followed by depression, followed by acceptance
Denial, followed by depression, followed by bargaining, followed by anger, followed by acceptance
None of the above
Question 46 Explanation: 
Denial, followed by anger, followed by bargaining, followed by depression, followed by acceptance are the stages of grieving.
Question 47
A patient aged 81 was attached to a respirator and is in comatose state. Which of the following would be an appropriate action for the nurse assistant, who has been with this patient throughout her residence.
Tell the patient's family to speak louder due to her hearing deteriorating
Speak in a low voice, while gently holding the patient's hands
Speak louder so the patient can hear clearly
Question 47 Explanation: 
The nurse assistant should speak in a low voice, while gently holding the patient's hands. In a comatose patient, hearing falls among one of the last functions to get compromised.
Question 48
What is a primary danger of stereotyping in nursing care?
Offended feelings on the part of the patient
Frustration on the part of the nurse
Mistakes in assessment and inadequate measures
Both A and B
Question 48 Explanation: 
Mistakes in assessment and inadequate measures are the primary danger of stereotyping in nursing care.
Question 49
What would be a correct example of culturally sensitive practices in the nursing care for a Hispanic patient?
Incorporating tortilla and beans in the patient's diet.
Incorporating rice and soy in the patient's diet.
Incorporating more burgers and potato in the patient's diet.
None of the above
Question 49 Explanation: 
Incorporating tortilla and beans in the patient's diet would be correct in this case.
Question 50
Upon entering a patient's room, a nurse is faced with a patient in panic, who screams that bugs have crawled into his/her bed. Please identify which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse.
The nurse laughs and tells the patient there are no bugs in the bed.
The nurse tells the patient that there are no bugs that she can see, but that she understands his/her fear and will stay for a while.
The nurse arranges to move the patient in another room to calm him/her down.
Question 50 Explanation: 
In this case, the nurse should tell the patient that there are no bugs that she can see, but that she understands his/her fear and will stay for a while.
Question 51
A nurse aide is helping a patient to the bathroom at 10 pm every day. The nurse prepares the patient for going to sleep half an hour afterwards. Which of the following would this be an example of?
Patient teaching
Bowel Retraining
Mobility therapy
Routine establishment
Question 51 Explanation: 
The nurse is helping the patient with establishing a daily routine.
Question 52
A patient with delirium suddenly diverts the nurse assistant's attention to "spiders on the wall". What would be an appropriate action for the nurse assistant in this case?
To tell the patient "There are no spiders on the wall"
To tell the patient "I can see them. I am now going to kill them"
To tell the patient "I understand your fear, but I cannot see spiders on the wall"
None of the above
Question 52 Explanation: 
An appropriate action for the nurse assistant would be to tell the patient "I understand your fear, but I cannot see spiders on the wall".
Question 53
While a nurse assistant is having an orientation tour, she is approached by a patient who pleads her to be taken out of there. What would be an appropriate action by the nurse.
To inform the person giving the orientation tour
To part with the group temporarily and talk to this patient
To tell this patient that she is a new staff member and is currently busy with orientation, but will come back later.
None of the above
Question 53 Explanation: 
An appropriate action by the nurse in this case would be to tell this patient that she is a new staff member and is currently busy with orientation, but will come back later.
Question 54
A nurse assistant needs to serve a patient whom she knows is on a kosher diet. Which of the following contents of the food tray would be appropriate for the nurse to take to the patient?
fruits, vegetables, rice, pork and milk
fruits, vegetables, rice, chicken and apple juice
fruits, vegetables, potato salad, crab salad and milk
None of the above
Question 54 Explanation: 
An appropriate tray can include fruits, vegetables, rice, chicken and apple juice.
Question 55
What would be an appropriate action for a nurse assistant wishing to submit a resignation?
Write a resignation letter and explain the reasons
Only submit the resignation later without the need to explain the reasons
Only submit the resignation letter after having found an appropriate replacement to recommend
Question 55 Explanation: 
Writing a resignation letter and explaining the reasons would be a most appropriate action for the nursing assistant.
Question 56
A nursing assistant enters a patient's room, who expresses feeling worthless and wishing to die to the nurse. What would be an appropriate action in this case.
The nurse assistant should say: "No, you are wrong, you are not worthless".
The nurse assistant should say: "Why do you feel worthless?"
The nurse assistant should say: "How can we help you?"
None of the above
Question 56 Explanation: 
It would be appropriate for the nurse assistant to say "Why do you feel worthless?" because talking about their feelings and sharing some of their negative emotions can be helpful.
Question 57
A nurse is very busy and directs the nurse assistant to apply an already prepared prescription skin ointment to a patient. What would be an appropriate response by the nurse assistant?
The nurse assistant should refuse
The nurse assistant should ask the nurse for specific instructions before doing it
The nurse assistant should gently say that, as a nursing assistant, she/he is not authorized for that action
None of the above
Question 57 Explanation: 
In this case, the nurse assistant should gently say that, as a nursing assistant, she/he is not authorized for that action.
Question 58
Please identify which of the following is one of the elements in a communication process.
Tone of voice
A and C
Question 58 Explanation: 
Message, channel, feedback and sender and receiver are the elements of a communication process.
Question 59
In giving a quality and effective nursing care, team members should cooperate and assist each other. Which of the following action is an example of this principle?
Communicate concisely and using as little words as necessary
Communicate the information in a logical order
Avoid expressions and vocabulary with more meanings
All of the above
Question 59 Explanation: 
All of the above are correct examples.
Question 60
Decoder as an element of communication refers to...
the channel
the sender
the message
the receiver
Question 60 Explanation: 
Decoder as an element of communication refers to the receiver.
Question 61
Please identify which of the following statements is correct about a care conference.
A resident care patient can refuse care recommendations made by the care team.
A care conference is not open to family members.
Only the resident patient attends a care conference.
B and C
Question 61 Explanation: 
It is correct that a resident care patient can refuse care recommendations made by the care team.
Question 62
The legal document that defines the patient's choices concerning care once the patient is no longer able to make choices for themselves is called...
an advanced directive.
a physician guide.
a wishes statements.
None of the above
Question 62 Explanation: 
The legal document that defines the patient's choices concerning care once the patient is no longer able to make choices for themselves is called an advanced directive.
Question 63
Please identify which of the following does NOT describe a situation when a nursing assistant can decline to perform a certain task.
The task in question is beyond the scope of duties as defined in the job description
The task in question requires you to be a licensed nurse
The task is uncomfortable to you
None of the above
Question 63 Explanation: 
The task being uncomfortable is not an appropriate reason for a nursing assistant to decline to perform a task.
Question 64
A patient's arm where the IV is connected is red and the patient is complaining of pain in this area. Which of the following would be an appropriate action for the nurse assistant?
Lower the flow rate
Stop the IV flow
Inform the nurse on duty
All of the above
Question 64 Explanation: 
The nurse aide should immediately inform the licensed nurse about it.
Question 65
When communicating with a patient whose mother tongue is not English, a nurse aide should ensure to...
pronounces the words clearly and slowly.
confirm with the patient if everything was understood at the end of the communication.
find an interpreter for this communication.
None of the above
Question 65 Explanation: 
When communicating with a patient whose mother tongue is not English, a nurse aide should ensure to find an interpreter for this communication.
Question 66
Please identify which of the following is an example of an action facilitating empathy.
Placing the needs of others before one's own
Crying freely in front of patients to show empathy
Putting one self in the shoes of the other person
None of the above
Question 66 Explanation: 
Putting one self in the shoes of the other person is an example of an action facilitating empathy.
Question 67
Who is authorized to provide information on the performance of a new nurse aide to the agency for a background check.
The Nursing Assistant Registry
The nurse supervisor
A former employer
None of the above
Question 67 Explanation: 
The Nursing Assistant Registry can provide the information for this purpose.
Question 68
Mary overheard a staff member talking about an inappropriate affair a nurse aide colleague is having with a physician. Mary promptly informs the supervisor of this. This is an example of...
initiating a clarification an issue that concerns the care team.
protecting the integrity of the nursing assistants staff.
inappropriate and unprofessional behavior on the part of Mary.
None of the above
Question 68 Explanation: 
This is an example of inappropriate and unprofessional behavior on the part of Mary.
Question 69
Please identify which of the following statements refers to a barrier in communication.
Using medical abbreviations
Using an interpreter
Cultural differences
None of the above
Question 69 Explanation: 
Cultural differences is an example of a barrier in communication.
Question 70
In cases when there is a need of a prompt response, posing direct questions is especially important for nurse assistants. Please identify which of the following is NOT an example of a direct question.
"What are the reasons you feel that way?"
"How do you feel?"
"Can you tell me more about what are you feeling?"
None of the above are direct questions
Question 70 Explanation: 
None of the above are examples of direct questions. Direct questions have a yes/no answer.
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  1. Avatar for Zsolt Zsolt

    Do you have these 70 questions in every state? Just these 70 questions and you’re done?

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