Top 15 Exciting Jobs for Adrenaline Seekers

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Top 15 Exciting Jobs for Adrenaline Seekers

Being in danger or under pressure releases a lot of adrenaline.

There are some people that like the feeling and look for situations that lead to an adrenaline rush.

If you one of those people, you may be interested in some career options for thrill-seekers.

You have lots of variants to choose from as you can protect people or save their lives.

Also, there are some other careers where adventures are an essential part of your work.

Those who look for career options for thrill-seekers can find the list of the most exciting jobs our article.

Emergency Room Surgeons and Doctors

Emergency, Career, Doctors, Thrill-Seekers

A doctor or surgeon is a very responsible career.

But if you look for some thrilling careers in the medical sphere, you should consider becoming an emergency room physician.

This job requires excellent skills, fast thinking and ability to work efficiently under pressure.

It’s really important as you must save people’s lives.

Also, these doctors should have excellent knowledge and ability to make diagnoses fast even when there is no access to the patient’s medical history.

It means that emergency room doctor career can guarantee you really high stakes.

Nevertheless, this career is really fulfilling and rewarding.

Of course, it’s absolutely stressful but still, you are going to save people’s lives.

One other benefit is a high annual salary which makes this career one of the most fruitful options for thrill-seekers.

Moreover, the number of job offers for ER physicians and surgeons increases constantly.

You should know that this career requires lots of training.

You need to spend about 10 years learning and completing an internship.

Average Annual Salary: $274 000 (CNN Money)

Education: Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (DO)

Nature of the job: Saving lives

Critical Care Nurses

Emergency Careers, Thrill-Seekers, Nurses

One other career option in the medical sphere is a critical care nurse.

Such specialists need to complete special training that includes care, trauma, and intensive care unit (ICU).

Critical care nurse’s duties include such points as taking care of patients who go into shock, have severe wounds or are on life support systems.

These specialists should be really skillful as critical care nurses are responsible for their patients’ lives.

Also, working as a critical care nurse, you’ll be obliged to teach patients families how to take care of their close person who is seriously ill.

If you want to become a critical care nurse, first of all, you need to complete RN training program that will guarantee you an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

After it, you need to enroll in actual work in order to improve your nursing skills.

And you may be asked to seek the Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCRN) credential.

You should keep in mind that this career requires lots of extra working hours and often has a nonstandard schedule.

Considering the fact that ICU patients require 24-hour care, hospitals need a bunch of critical care nurses so the work can be done all the time.

Speaking of a salary, critical care nurses have a higher income then registered nurses.

The data varies significantly as according to the information an average median salary of a critical nurse varies from $66 650 to $97 990 per year.

Moreover, there is a great demand for nurses which much higher than for doctors or surgeons.

According to the latest research, the number of career options for nurses will increase by about 16% just in 10 years.

Average Annual Salary: $66 640 – $97 990

Education: Nursing Program Diploma, Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) or Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN)  

Nature of the Job: Saving lives

Detectives and Criminal Investigators

Emergency, Careers, Detective, Thrill-Seekers

If you want an exciting and entertaining career, you should consider becoming a detective.

Maybe its time not only enjoying stories about Sherlock Holmes and CSI series but try it yourself?

You’ll be able to visit real crime scenes, collect evidence, and interview suspects, victims, and witnesses.

There is a whole variety of employment options which depend on your specialty.

Keep in mind that it influences your duties and skills you may need during your work.

If you decided to become a police detective, you’ll be involved in various law enforcement activities such as raids or arrests.

Your median salary can be about $79 890 per year.

Working as a private detective you have an opportunity to work for yourself but your salary will be lower (about $44 570 annually).

Usually, to become a detective, you need to enroll in the military or in law enforcement.

It doesn’t require a degree but still, it can make your job easier as you’ll be equipped with a whole bunch of specific skills and knowledge.

Also, you should know that becoming a detective means that you’ll have plenty of work to do and lots of extra working hours.

Average Annual Salary: $44 570 – $79 870

Education: Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice or Police Science 

Nature of the job: Protecting the public

Police Officer

Exciting Career, Police Officer, Thrill-Seeker

In our crazy world, there is danger everywhere and brave people are required to solve those situations.

Police officers are exactly the people who do this job constantly.

A police officer is a risky career as you cannot be sure what will happen to you even if you pulling over drivers or arresting suspects.

Your job is to risk your own life in order to protect others.

Even those people who are really brave and don’t afraid anything will get an adrenaline rush at least a few time during your career as a police officer.

Just keep in mind that you may need some specific training depending on the chosen specialty.

In some states, you can enroll in a training program with only a high-school diploma.

Nevertheless, the bigger number of precincts tends to have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Considering the fact, it’s better to complete your training if you want to be able to compete with other candidates and get a job.

Also, clean records and excellent physical stamina are among the main requirements.

Moreover, if you are a law enforcement officer you may have lots of extra hours.

Average Annual Salary: $56 810

Education: Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice

Nature of the Job: Protecting the public

Explosives Workers

Emergency Career, Explosives Workers, Thrill-Seekers

We hope you’ll agree that there is hardly anything more dangerous than an explosion.

Most of us won’t be able to see it even at least once in a lifetime but explosive workers are needed to deal almost every day.

If you decided to become an explosive worker, you are going to handle, position and detonate explosive for various purposes like mining, construction, gas extraction, and engineering.

The explosive widely used in order to move rocks or demolish buildings but everything should be done properly to avoid various problems.

You’ll for sure have an adrenaline rush while preparing an explosion and controlling the demolition process.

According to the data, this sphere is relatively little and includes only about 8 100 workers.

The BLS says that in 10 years the number of job offers will increase by only 300.

Most people working in this sphere have only a high-school diploma but there are also some people that completed certification or undergraduate programs in some related spheres.

Salary: $52,140

Education: Certificate or Undergraduate Degree in Engineering, Construction or Chemistry

Nature of the Job: Encountering adventure or danger


Emergency Career, Firefighter, Thrill-Seeker

A firefighter is one of the best career options for thrill-seekers.

Just imagine running into a burning house to save somebodies life – it will for sure make you feel an adrenaline rush.

Maybe, it’s one of the reasons why this career is really popular despite it’s risky and challenging.

Firefighters are usually dealing with such problems as forest fires, burning buildings, and explosions.

In order to extinguish the flames, firefighters need to use a whole bunch of various equipment.

Also, firefighters are also obliged to deal with other emergencies including various disasters.

To be able to provide all necessary support during emergencies, firefighters should complete emergency medical technicians (EMTs) training.

If you want to become a firefighter, you should be ready to work a whole bunch of extra hours.

It’s really often when a firefighter works 24-48 hours in a row.

It means that they spend all this time at the fire station where they can even eat or sleep.

To become a firefighter you don’t need to obtain a degree but still, it requires some specific training.

Nevertheless, if you expect to get a promotion you need to obtain a degree in fire science.

Average Annual Salary: $45 970 

Education: EMT Certification; Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science or Public Administration

Nature of the Job: Protecting the public

Correctional Officer

Emergency Career, Correctional Officer, Thrill-Seeker

Don’t you think to get an adrenaline rush it’s enough to be surrounded by criminals that committed some violent crimes?

It can be your typical working day if you decide to become a correctional officer.

This is professionals that work in prisons and are obliged to supervise prisoners and enforce rules.

Also, you’ll be obliged to restrain inmates, review jail cells’ conditions, search for contraband.

All this means that you should be able to stay calm under pressure and be ready for any situations.

It’s important to perform your job properly as if you won’t be able to be a good correctional officer, prisoners may start a riot.

Also, you should know that shift work is a part of correctional officers’ routine as jails need to be controlled and supervised constantly.

Moreover, you’ll for sure be obliged to work overtime that will give an opportunity to get a higher salary.

One other point is that there are special unions for correctional officers which gives them more employment protection.

Finally, there is a whole bunch of benefits including uniform allowance and exclusive retirement plans.

If you want to enroll in this career it is simple enough to have your high-school diploma.

Nevertheless, there are some facilities that you can be hired at only if you have a degree diploma.

In most cases, you may be asked to complete only some college credits.

Those, who want to get a job at a federal prison should complete a bachelor’s degree training program.

Also, you should keep in mind that a college degree will be a great benefit in any case.

Average Annual Salary: $39 780

Education: Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice or Corrections

Nature of the Job: Protecting the public

Hazardous Materials Removal Worker

Emergency Career, Hazardous Material Removal, Thrill-Seeker

If you are looking for some really dangerous career, hazardous materials removal is exactly what you need.

You are going to work with the most toxic materials dresses in a protective gear from your head to toe.

According to the latest data, specialists in hazardous materials removal can easily find employment.

There is a whole variety of offers that differs due to the material you are going to work with including nuclear waste. asbestos, and lead.

Moreover, you should know that you are going to work not only with really dangerous substances but also in a dangerous environment as well.

These specialists work in such spots as confined spaces, scenes of accidents, heights, demolished buildings and so on.

In other words, it’s a challenging career that will give you an adrenaline rush every day.

To be able to do this job, you need to have a bunch of important skills so you can protect others and guarantee your own safety and safety of your teammates.

In most cases, to become a hazardous materials removal worker, there is no need to obtain a college education.

You need to get a degree only for certain jobs such as work at nuclear plants.

Even if you don’t need a degree, you’ll be obliged to complete safety training in order to start working.

Moreover, if you are going to work with some specific materials such as lead, nuclear waste, and asbestos, you need to complete some specific training and obtain a state license or federal permit.

Average Annual Salary: $38 520

Education: Associate’s Degree in Radiation Protection

Nature of the Job: Encountering adventure or danger

Emergency Dispatcher

Emergency Career, Dispatcher, Thrill-Seeker

If you are able to stay cool in any situation even when there is panic everywhere around you, you can become a great emergency dispatcher.

Despite not visiting emergency scenes, emergency dispatchers are first to get info about accidents and deal with people who call 911.

It means that most people calling you will be stressed out, frightened and even distraught or injured.

You should be able to communicate with them properly in order to get all the necessary information that needs to be given to authorities.

Also, you need to stay on the line with a caller till emergency medical workers, police or firefighter get there.

Moreover, you should be able to provide some guidance to help a caller get out of danger, give first aid and so on.

In most cases, a college degree isn’t required for emergency dispatchers.

Nevertheless, if you want to be an effective helper for people, you should know such subjects as:

  • Communications;
  • Emergency management;
  • Criminal Justice;
  • Public safety;
  • Emergency services.

Considering the fact this career is really popular, a decrease in job offers for emergency dispatchers is predicted.

If you want to be hired, you need to stand out of other candidates so it’s better to have some useful skills and specific training.

One of such beneficial options is an Emergency Medical Dispatcher certification and some states even require it.

In spite of being away from a dangerous environment, emergency dispatchers have lots of stress and adrenaline rush every day.

Getting a call, you should be able to keep calm in any situation and deal with everything fast as somebody’s life depends on it.

Also, it’s important to multitask everything as you’ll need to be able to help a person as much efficiently as possible.

One more point is that this job requires lots of shifts and overtime constantly.

Average Annual Salary: $37 410

Education: Emergency Medical Dispatcher Certification; College Degree in Emergency Services, Public Safety, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management or Communications

Nature of the Job: Saving lives

Self-Enrichment Education Teacher

Emergency Career, Self-Enrichment Teacher, Thrill-Seeker

Are you a fan of skydiving, rock climbing, and rafting?

If are not only like such activities but also good at it, you have an opportunity to earn money being a self-enrichment education teacher.

It’s a great choice as you can do something you are passionate about while being paid for it.

Those self-enrichment teachers who teach some absolutely extreme activities and sports usually don’t need to complete a college education.

Nevertheless, you should be really skillful when it comes to those activities you are going to teach people to.

People are interested in all those activities exactly because they are really dangerous.

When you are working as an instructor, you are responsible for the lives of people you teach so you need to be able to guarantee their safety.

There is a certain number of times you should participate in the chosen activity.

Also, some activities require certification, license or at least professional organizations rating.

Moreover, you may need to attend some courses to learn some skills and procedures that are important to provide your clients’ safety and avoid accidents.

Of course, if you are a fan of extreme sports, it doesn’t mean you’ll be a good self-enrichment teacher.

Being a full-time instructor, you are going to spend all your time engaged in extreme activities and helping others to enjoy it.

It includes lots of responsibility and pressure because you should be able to guarantee other people safety.

If you still want to work in this sphere, it’s a great career option that gives you lots of options and good income.

Average Annual Salary: $36 020

Education: Extensive Training and Professional Certification in Your Activity

Nature of the Job: Encountering adventure or danger

Fishing Workers

Emergency Career, Fishing Workers, Thrill-Seekers


There are lots of people who are fond of fishing and hunting and if you are one of them, you should consider making it your career.

It’s a fruitful career with plenty of job options as people all around the world consume meat and fish constantly.

You just need to keep in mind that this career is really fast-paced.

If you feel like participating in some sea adventure, you’ll be excited by this career for 100%.

If you want to become a professional fisher, you don’t need to obtain a degree or complete some special training.

It’s enough to get some training on the job to work in this sphere.

Nevertheless, a slight decrease in career options is predicted which means that you can face some difficulties looking for a job in this sphere.

There is a whole bunch of training programs in aquaculture, fishery and other similar subjects that can be useful for you and give you some extra points during your job search.

All these programs include various subjects such as:

  • Fishing gear technology;
  • Navigation;
  • Marine safety;
  • Vessel operations and repair;
  • Seamanship.

Being a professional fisher doesn’t mean that you’ll be sitting on a bank with a fishing rod.

Professional fishers go out in the sea on boats and search for fish with special equipment.

They use huge nets to catch fish and store it in order to make sure it’s good to be consumed.

Average Annual Salary: $32 530

Education: Associate’s Degree in Fishery Technology

Nature of the Job: Encountering adventure or danger 

EMTs and Paramedics

Emergency Career, EMT/Paramedics, Thrill-Seeker

There are lots of specialists in emergency medicine and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics are often the first ones who should deal with patients.

It’s medical professionals that go to scenes of disasters, accidents, and emergencies to provide patients with first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Also, they need to be able to make sure that a patient will get to the hospital alive.

In other words, immediate emergency care is an essential responsibility of EMTs and paramedics.

You need to have a whole bunch of skills so you can evaluate patients condition and decide on the best treatment.

The point is that those specialists don’t have much equipment so they need to be really knowledgable.

Also, they take care of patients while they are transported to the hospital.

This job involves a lot of emotional pressure and requires lots of stamina.

If you want to work as an EMT, you don’t need to obtain a degree but it’s the main requirement for paramedics.

Considering the fact that paramedics are the most advanced career in this sphere which means that they need much more training than others.

Your training includes a two-year college degree in emergency medical technology.

Both EMTs and paramedics do a similar job but still, paramedics’ job includes more duties as they need to provide more extensive patient care.

If you want to enroll in this sphere, you should complete a training program that is approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

Depending on the level, such programs may contain from 150 to 1 200 hours of classes and training.

Both these careers are absolutely rewarding despite being really challenging.

According to the latest research, the number of career options for paramedics and EMTs will increase by 24% in 10 years.

In fact, it’s not just a big number but it’s much bigger than a growth rate in other spheres as well as in the medical sphere.


Learn more here: How to Become an EMT/Paramedic: The Definitive Guide

Average Annual Salary: $31 700

Education: Associate’s Degree in Emergency Medical Technology; EMT, Advanced EMT or Paramedic Certification from the NREMT   

Nature of the Job: Saving lives

Security Guards

Emergency Career, Security Guard, Thrill-Seeker

Being a security guard means that you are going to protect the public working in various facilities such as banks, hospitals, schools, offices, casinos, malls and so on.

Police officers work to protect whole communities but security guards are responsible for property, workers and visitors safety.

Security guard responsibilities include such activities as observing security cameras, patrols and respond for alarms.

Also, they are responsible for overseeing restricted areas, security checks implementing and stopping suspected from breaking a law.

In other words, working as a security guide, you’ll be obliged to prevent various types of crimes.

It means that the job can become dangerous at any moment as there are always criminals who don’t appreciate what you are doing.

If you are an attentive and brave person who can notice suspicious things and ready to work in out-of-order situations, security guard career will be a perfect choice for you.

Just keep in mind that this job involves a bunch of work at night and extra working hours so you should be able to be focused at any time of a day.

If you want to become a security guard, you can enroll in this career having only a high-school diploma.

Nevertheless, you may be asked to complete some short-term training to enroll in the sphere.

It aims to teach you how to deal with various emergency situations, give first aid, report about accidents, and, of course, handle a weapon.

Also, most states require registration and background check for becoming a security guard.

This sphere is one of the biggest and there are 1 095 000 workers that work as security guards.

As the research shows the number of job offers for security guards will increase by 5% in ten years.

Average Annual Salary: $24 410

Education: High School Diploma; On-the-Job Training; State Registration  

Nature of the Job: Protecting the public

Ambulance Driver

Emergency Career, Ambulance Driver, Thrill-Seeker

Being an ambulance driver is for sure a thrilling career as you should be able to drive a car fast through city streets packed with people and other cars and keep your concentration despite flashing lights and screeching sirens.

If you are an ambulance driver you need to get an injured patient to a medical facility in the shortest period of time.

It means that you need to drive really fast and evasively to save somebodies life that is for sure a thrilling task.

In most cases, a college degree isn’t required for this career but in some states, you may be obliged to learn some EMT basics and get a certification.

These programs contain a range of classes that include ambulance driving, performing CPR as well as giving first aid.

There are lots of facilities where it’s EMTs that are responsible not only for patient care but car driving as well.

Also, you may be asked to get certified permission to drive an ambulance or a special type of license for commercial driving.

According to the BLS, there are only 19 600 Americans that work as ambulance drivers so there is a need in professional drivers.

As the latest research says, in 10 years, the number of career offers for ambulance drivers will increase by 33%.

Average Annual Salary: $24 080

Education: High School Diploma; Possible EMT Certification; Commercial Driving License

Nature of the Job: Saving lives

Military Personel

Emergency Career, Military Personnel, Thrill-Seekers

Entering the USA military service, you are going to serve your country.

There is always a chance that you’ll be deployed from your family and friends and sent somewhere where danger is everywhere around you.

Nevertheless, it’s a great option for thrill-seekers.

During your service, you may face numerous dangerous situations when you can get an incredible adrenaline rush.

You should know that military personnel – it’s not a specific job but rather a whole bunch of various jobs.

It means that you have lots of options that vary depending on the branch of the armed forces, responsibilities and so on.

Also, there are entry-level members as well as high-level professional officers with lots of experience.

Of course, all these aspects will influence your salary greatly.

You can find a whole bunch of career options enrolling in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.

You may consider it a long-term career or just enter the field for a certain period of time to get an education and some skills you may need for your future career.

If you want to become military personnel, you only need your high-school diploma.

A college diploma is required for specific roles or advanced positions.

Also, you should be able to meet such requirements as:

  • age;
  • physical fitness;
  • citizenship and others.

Moreover, you should be able to pass a background check.

Average Annual Salary: $18 561 – $192 866

Education: High School Diploma; Possible Bachelor’s Degree

Nature of the Job: Encountering adventure or danger

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most thrilling job?

The most thrilling job would be one that offers excitement in something that you are passionate about.

A racecar driver would have a lot of thrills at high speed.

There would be enough danger to keep it interesting, and the possibility of winning would keep the thrill-seeker inside you engaged.

How can I find an exciting job?

Find out what your passion is and try to find a job that would offer excitement within that passion.

What is an exciting job to one may not be to someone else, so it is important to find your own path.

Learn about jobs that interest you by talking to people who work in those jobs.

Investigate all you can in the fields that interest you most.

Do paramedics have a good lifestyle?

It is hard to say paramedics live a good lifestyle.

They work long shifts and are often in life and death stressful situations.

There is a lot of physical and mental stress to the job, and many of them get burned out.

The pay is relatively good.

A survey showed that paramedics are about average as far as being happy with their job.

Is firfigthers work dangerous?

Firefighting can be very dangerous because you are fighting against fire.

Firemen have a lot of protective gear, but that only helps so much.

You may have to go into a burning building, and there is the danger it could fall on you.

In addition, firefighters are exposed to dangerous substances.

Firefighting is one of the 10 most dangerous jobs you can have.

How do you handle hazardous materials in the workplace?

Most companies have policies to follow concerning hazardous materials, and some jobs have more of them than others.

Follow all policies to the letter to remain safe.

Store hazardous materials properly, keep incompatibles separate, and keep the area cool and ventilated.

Use protective gear to clean up hazardous spills and wash your hands if you have handled any hazardous material.

What are the types of security guards?

Armed and unarmed are the two main differences in the kinds of security guards.

Most are not armed.

There are mobile guards who patrol an area whether armed or not.

Residential guards may work at a housing development.

There are also industrial and construction guards that protect a facility.

Store and corporations may also have security guards.

Another kind of security is event security.

How long does it take to become a security guide?

There is a tremendous amount of difference as to how long it takes to become a security guard.

Some minor security jobs have about eight hours of training if that much.

Armed guards must do their training, as well as weapons training.

You may also have to have training for specific missions.

At a lower level, you might only get a few hours of training, at the other end it might take you two years or more.

Is ambulance driver a good career choice?

Being an ambulance driver could be a good choice if you have a good driving record and like to drive.

A desire to help people also helps you feel fulfilled in this type of work.

Ambulance drivers make around $35,000 per year, have paid vacations, health insurance, and retirement plans.

Depending on the job you might have a lot of overtime or be on call at odd times.

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