What Does a Forensic Locksmith Do?

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The short answer to the title question is that forensic locksmiths examine locks and other security devices after a break-in.

They help law enforcement agencies by determining how someone broke into a building or safe.

Forensic locksmiths use a variety of methods, including microscopic examination, photography, or laboratory exams.

This is a relatively new job and it has recently gained a lot of popularity.

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Through specific methods, forensic locksmiths may answer questions about the method of entry, the tools that were used, and the weaknesses that were discovered in the security system.

In order to prevent forced entry, many institutions and large businesses hire forensic locksmiths to evaluate the security levels of that facility and discover weaknesses.


What Skills Does a Forensic Locksmith Need?

Forensic locksmiths need a variety of skills, including extensive knowledge of tools, safes, and security systems, knowledge of crime scene investigation, photography skills, communication, and writing skills.

Forensic locksmiths also need to know how to collect and preserve evidence.

The Road to Becoming a Certified Forensic Locksmiths

The International Association of Investigative Locksmiths(IAIL) has provided guidelines for those who want to start a career in this field.

If you want to become a forensic locksmith then you will need a certification from the IAIL.

There are a few conditions that you have to meet before qualifying for this credential:

  • You must be a member of IAIL for at least 1 year
  • In order to qualify to take the exam, you have to take some classes; for each class taken you will be awarded a number of points and before sitting for the exam you need at least 75 points.


These are some of the classes that are included in the program:

  • picking
  • impressioning
  • simplex manipulation
  • Covert CCTV
  • Professional By-Pass Techniques
  • Investigative Locksmithing
  • Forensic Locksmithing
  • Safe Servicing and Manipulation
  • Safe Opening
  • Automotive Specialties
  • Auto Theft/Arson Classes.

The Investigative Locksmithing class and auto theft/arson classes are mandatory.

After gaining a total of 75 points you are ready to sit for the certification exam.

The 3-hour long examination consists of 125 questions that verify your knowledge in the field of forensic locksmithing.

After gaining your license you are ready to begin work.

This profession can be a very exciting and rewarding career if you’re a curious person with good analytical skills.

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