Paralegal PACE Practice Test

Our Paralegal PACE Practice Test for advanced competitive knowledge will get your ready for taking the exam that will prove your competency level to become a professional paralegal.

The Paralegal PACE Practice Test covers areas such as office administration, factual and legal writing, factual and legal research, development of client legal matters, and administration of client legal matters.

The test contains 60 questions.

Paralegal PACE Practice Test

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Please mark the abbreviation of the word "Telecommunication" according to The Bluebook:
None of the above
Question 1 Explanation: 
Telecomm. is the abbreviation used.
Question 2
Please mark the correct sentence according to the following: All whales are grey. Mona saw a whale.
Mona is a whale.
All whales are grey.
Mona is blue.
The whale was blue.
Question 2 Explanation: 
The whale was blue- a logical conclusion from the major premise.
Question 3
According to Long- arm statutes, can personal jurisdiction over a person who caused an in- state event be allowed?
Question 3 Explanation: 
Yes, it may be allowed but also it may not be present in- state.
Question 4
Please mark the correct definition of KeyCite as a version of WestLaw:
It is the version of the rules for the citation of legal authorities.
It is the LexisNexis’s computerized version of Shepard’s Citations.
It is a version of the Public Library of the Law’s computerized version of Shepard’s Citations.
It is the LexisNexis’s computerized version of West’s American Digest System.
Question 4 Explanation: 
It is the LexisNexis’s computerized version of Shepard’s Citations.
Question 5
All information of a case shall not be shared between co-counsels until the final stage of the case. Is it true or false?
Question 5 Explanation: 
All information of a case shall be shared between co-counsels but only if they work on the same case.
Question 6
Please mark the correct sentence:
Mona let Eric into the building and later Nela delivered Jordan's package.
John let Gemma into the building, and later Costas came over to the flat.
Both are correct
Question 6 Explanation: 
Answe A is correct because of the correct usage of the comma when joining two full sentences.
Question 7
Under Rule 26 and the discovery rules of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which of the following is discoverable?
The Purchase and Sale Contract between parties
The deed conveying property between parties
The Articles of Incorporation as filed
All of the above
Question 7 Explanation: 
All of the above are correct as they all may be discoverable.
Question 8
Under Rule 26 and the discovery rules of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which of the following is discoverable?
The Purchase and Sale Contract between parties
The deed conveying property between parties
The Articles of Incorporation as filed
All of the above
Question 8 Explanation: 
All of the above are correct as they all may be discoverable.
Question 9
Please mark the meaning of "procedural law":
It refers to rules promulgated by federal regulatory agencies.
It refers to rules that govern how substantive laws are enforced.
It refers to the process of conducting legal research.
It refers to the legal rules that define basic rights and duties that provide social order.
Question 9 Explanation: 
Procedural law refers to rules that govern how substantive laws are enforced.
Question 10
Please mark the correct citation regarding the following: 2008 opinion in Coyote Publishing, Inc. et al. v. Ross Miller, Nevada Secretary of State et al., found in volume 346 of the Federal Reporter, 3d Series at page 180
Coyote Publ’g, Inc. v. Miller, 346 F.3d 180 (2008).
Coyote Publ’g, Inc. v. Miller, 346 F. Third 180 (2008).
Coyote Publ’g, Inc. v. Ross Miller, 180 F.3d 346(2008).
Coyote Publ’g, Inc. v. Miller, 346 F. 3d at 180 (2008).
Question 10 Explanation: 
Coyote Publ’g, Inc. v. Miller, 346 F.3d 180 (2008).
Question 11
A grand jury is obliged to tell the witness if they are a subject of an investigation. Is it true or false?
Question 11 Explanation: 
No, a grand jury is not obliged to tell the witness if they are a subject of an investigation because that will suggest that a witness attorney must be present.
Question 12
The jury concluded that the driver of the red car ran a red light at the intersection of Maryland Drive and Second Street while proceeding south on Maryland Drive. Molly testified that she was driving her yellow Twingo and headed west on Second Street. She further testified that, as she approached Maryland Drive, the light was green and that, as she proceeded through the intersection, a red car collided with her Twingo. The jury accepted Molly’s testimony and concluded that the driver of the red car negligently caused the collision. Evidence shows that John is the owner of the red car. Please think and answer whether John was negligent:
Yes, because he is the owner of the red car
No, because there is no evidence that shows that ohn was the driver of the vehicle.
Question 12 Explanation: 
No, because there is no evidence that shows that ohn was the driver of the vehicle.
Question 13
Please mark the correct citation to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, codified under Title 15 of the U.S. Code in sections 1-7:
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, 15 U.S.C. § 1-7 (1890)
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, 15 U.S.C. § 1-7 (2011)
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, U.S.C. § 15-1 - 7 (2011)
15 U.S.C. § 1-7 (1890)
Question 13 Explanation: 
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, 15 U.S.C. § 1-7 (2011)
Question 14
If a council member asks a paralegal to explain the word "discovery" in a lawsuit due to a reference to Chris Columbus' discovery as a pejorative reference to native people, what should a paralegal answer?
They should answer that they can’t answer that question because they would engage in the unauthorized practice of law.
They should answer that discovery is a really important part of the litigation process, and that one can be sanctioned by the court if they don’t cooperate.
They should answer that discovery in a lawsuit is different. It is the process that allows both sides to collect information relevant to the case. Both sides have the right to ask questions and request copies of documents. Then, each side works on identifying the most important evidence for use at trial.
They should answer that discovery in a lawsuit isn’t like Columbus’s discovery and that it requires both sides to send a statement to the other side that gives the names of people with relevant information.
Question 14 Explanation: 
They should answer that discovery in a lawsuit is different. It is the process that allows both sides to collect information relevant to the case. Both sides have the right to ask questions and request copies of documents. Then, each side works on identifying the most important evidence for use at trial.
Question 15
Please mark the correct parallel citation of in-state cases regarding the following: 2010 Superior Court of Minessota case of Axel Lordi v. CSX Transportation, Inc., found in Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports Vol. 2011, page 180, and Atlantic, 3d, Vol. 5, page 367
Lordi v. CSX Transp., Inc., 2011 Pa. Super. 180, 5 A.3d 367 (Super. Ct. 2011).
Lordi v. CSX Transp., Inc., 2011 Pa. Super. 367 (Super. Ct. 2011).
Axel Lordi v. CSX Transp., Inc., 2011 Pa. Super. 180, 5 A.3d 367 (Super. Ct. 2011).
Both A and C
Question 15 Explanation: 
Lordi v. CSX Transp., Inc., 2010 Pa. Super. 367, 5 A.3d 180 (Super. Ct. 2011).
Question 16
Please mark the correct answer according to the following premises: All negligent drivers who injured the accuser are liable if the accuser suffered actual damages. Accuser Molly suffered actual damages from Dean's negligent driving that caused her injuries.
Dean caused injuries to Molly.
Accuser Molly suffered actual damages.
Dean is liable for negligent driving.
Dean is liable for accuser Molly's actual damages.
Question 16 Explanation: 
Dean is liable for accuser Molly's actual damages.
Question 17
Stela is a paralegal who works for Dean, an attorney representing the Accuser in a commercial litigation case. Dean requested a subpoena that was issued and served on Paul Procter Company, a third party to the lawsuit. Dean is only interested in the correspondence, including e-mail, between employees of paul Procter and the defendant. The subpoena set a deposition for paul Procter's custodian of records for June 19, but included a standard letter stating that the deposition will not be necessary if Paul Procter provides copies of the correspondence as requested. Should Stela arrange for a court reporter in case Paul Procter prefers an actual deposition?
Question 17 Explanation: 
As a paralegal, Stela shouldn't arrange for a court reporter in case Paul Procter prefers an actual deposition
Question 18
Please mark the definition of the term "case law":
Case law is written judicial opinions ruling on an issue or case, published in case reporters.
Case law is written opinions prepared by juries, who are ruling on an issue, delivered to the judge.
Case law is the law that an attorney must apply on behalf of a client in a given case.
Case law is the process of synthesizing prior cases to develop a legal principle or rule.
Question 18 Explanation: 
Case law is written judicial opinions ruling on an issue or case, published in case reporters.
Question 19
Please mark the definition of KeyCite:
It is a computerized legal citator available on LexisNexis.
It is a computerized legal citator available on WestLawNext.
It is a computerized digest available on LexisNexis.
It is a computerized legal citator available on Public Library of the Law.
Question 19 Explanation: 
KeyCite is a computerized legal citator available on WestLawNext.
Question 20
What is a headnote?
Headnote is a brief quote from a judicial opinion focused on a point of law printed prior the judicial opinion in a case reporter.
Headnote is a brief summary of a judicial opinion printed prior the opinion in a case reporter.
Headnote is a note printed at the top of a page.
Headnote is a brief summary of a point of law as discussed in a judicial opinion and printed before the opinion in a case reporter.
Question 20 Explanation: 
Headnote is a brief summary of a point of law as discussed in a judicial opinion and printed before the opinion in a case reporter.
Question 21
Please mark the meaning of the word "looseleaf service":
Looseleaf service refers to an academic treatise authored by a law professor focused on procedural law.
Looseleaf service refers to reference work on a specific topic of law provided in the binder(s) where individual pages can be replaced with updated pages.
Looseleaf service is a hornbook provided in binder format on major subjects.
Looseleaf service refers to reference work on general topics of law.
Question 21 Explanation: 
Looseleaf service refers to reference work on a specific topic of law provided in the binder(s) where individual pages can be replaced with updated pages.
Question 22
Please mark the sentence with an incorrect subject-verb agreement:
None of the attorneys who were still recovering from their injuries was present in court.
Each one of the clients, who were all present in the courtroom, entered a plea of “guilty.”
All of the accusers who consumed that well water developed neurological diseases.
Under the Rules of Evidence, all offers to settle a civil dispute is inadmissible to prove liability.
Question 22 Explanation: 
Under the Rules of Evidence, all offers to settle a civil dispute is inadmissible to prove liability.
Question 23
What is a majority opinion?
A majority opinion is an opinion supported by more than one-half of the jurors.
A majority opinion is an opinion issued by more than one-half of the judges hearing an appeal.
A majority opinion is an opinion supported by more than one-half of all judges on a court of appeals.
A majority opinion is an opinion of state supreme courts..
Question 23 Explanation: 
A majority opinion is an opinion issued by more than one-half of the judges hearing an appeal.
Question 24
Please mark when a direct citation of an Internet source can be used:
The citation can be used if the source is available on the Internet.
The citation can be used if the source is available in a printed format.
The citation can be used if it is a free reliable secondary source that is available online.
The citation can be used if there is no printed format of the source or on a commercial database.
Question 24 Explanation: 
The citation can be used if there is no printed format of the source or on a commercial database.
Question 25
According to The Bluebook, please mark the rule for citing to a printed source and when an Internet source:
According to the rule, one can cite to the printed source if available in a printed source.
According to the rule, one can always provide a parallel citation to the Internet source. if available on the Internet.
There is no rule regarding Internet citations.
According to the rule, one can cite on the Interner if available on the Internet.
Question 25 Explanation: 
According to the rule, one can cite to the printed source if available in a printed source.
Question 26
Please mark what is not a type of legal authority:
Administrative rules
Procedural law
Statutory law
Editorial opinion
Question 26 Explanation: 
Editorial opinion is not a legal authority.
Question 27
Martin is a paralegal who worked for an estate planning attorney and became acquainted with his clients and their families. One of the clients who wanted to update her estate plan decided to prepare a new one that will disinherit her grandson because he is married to an AA. The attorney asked the paralegal to prepare initial drafts for the new plan but also knows the grandson. While preparing the drafts, the grandson calls him and says that his aunt changed her plan regarding disinheritance and told him to call the paralegal to change the estate plan so that he receives equally as the rest of the family inheritance. What should Martin answer to this?
He should change the client's new plan.
He should tell the grandson that he can only speak to the client himself and then inform the attorney about this.
He should tell off the grandson.
He should immediately call the client and advise her to call her grandson.
Question 27 Explanation: 
He should tell the grandson that he can only speak to the client himself and then inform the attorney about this.
Question 28
Please mark the correct sentence:
To finish school, Sandra studied hard.
As part of the procedure, they need to get a search warrant.
Both of the above
Question 28 Explanation: 
Both of the above are correct examples of introductory expressions.
Question 29
Please mark the correct sentence:
The judge moved to have the issue considered at a later time.
The judge moved to have the issue considered at a latter time.
None of the above are correct
Question 29 Explanation: 
The judge moved to have the issue considered at a later time- this is correct because the word later is used as an adverb.
Question 30
Please mark the incorrect usage of subject-verb agreement:
Jackie wore a crimson coat.
The Robertsons are not attending the ceremony.
Laurel are expecting us at the reception.
The Johnsons have no taste.
Question 30 Explanation: 
Laurel are expecting us at the reception. Both subject and verb must be either both singular or plural.
Question 31
Please mark the passive voice in one of the sentences:
The rabbit was chased by the fox.
I saw a lion that was hungry.
The fishermen caught a shark.
The judge denounced the verdict.
Question 31 Explanation: 
The rabbit was chased by the fox- this is a sentence where passive voice is used.
Question 32
Please mark the correct usage of brackets in the following examples: 1. One of the parties was a minor. The lawyer argued that a contract had not been formed because his client lacked capacity. The lawyer argued that a contract had not been formed because his client [who was a minor] lacked capacity. 2. On the video record, Milly only said that he considered selling the house. Her lawyer argued that Milly had not made an offer to sell her house. [Milly’s] lawyer . . . argued that Milly had not made an offer to sell her house. [Because Milly only stated she was thinking about selling it].
Both 1 and 2
Question 32 Explanation: 
Both 1 and 2 have the correct usage of brackets.
Question 33
Please mark the basic step(s) in the legal research process:
Frame the legal issues
Obtain background information
Prepare a memorandum summarizing the results for the supervising attorney.
All of the above
Question 33 Explanation: 
All of the above are three of the six basic steps in the legal research process.
Question 34
Please mark the grammatically incorrect sentence:
The ride cannot be here until tomorrow.
"Wanna fries?"
The traffic jam has been postponed.
The toner counts as a scanner.
Question 34 Explanation: 
The ride cannot be here until tomorrow.
Question 35
Please mark the incorrect hyphenation:
All of the above
Question 35 Explanation: 
Crossclaim is the correct answer.
Question 36
Please mark what a citation to an out-of-state case in a pleading, motion, or appellate brief filed in an in-state court requires:
A citation only to the regional reporter
A parenthetical reference to the state or state appellate court that issued the opinion
A state court docket number
Both A and B
Question 36 Explanation: 
A citation to an out-of-state case in a pleading, motion, or appellate brief filed in an in-state court requires citation only to the regional reporter, with a parenthetical reference to the state or state appellate court that issued the opinion.
Question 37
Please mark the sentence with an incorrect capitalization of the reference to a court:
The Superior Court is a court of general jurisdiction.
The Massachusetts Supreme Court holds its reports.
The Court involves the U.S. Constitution.
None of the above
Question 37 Explanation: 
The Superior Court is a court of general jurisdiction- this capitalization is incorrect. because it does not refer to a specific superior court.
Question 38
Please mark the most acclaimed legal dictionary:
Ballantine’s Law Dictionary
Ballanlock’s Law Dictionary.
Black’s Law Dictionary.
Both A and C
Question 38 Explanation: 
The most acclaimed law dictionaries are Black’s Law Dictionary and Ballantine’s Law Dictionary.
Question 39
The opinion of the court is the court’s commentary that explains its decision, including:
the rational
the dicta
the court's ruling
Both A and B
Question 39 Explanation: 
The opinion of the court is the court’s commentary that explains its decision, including the holding, the rationale, and the dicta.
Question 40
The constitution is an item used in voting. Is it true or false?
Question 40 Explanation: 
The constitution provides a framework for government and is not an object or item used in voting.
Question 41
Please mark the correct citation format according to the following: American Jurisprudence, Vol. 5, Section 32 of Appellate Review issued in 2010
2 Am. Jur. 2d Appellate Review § 32
2 Am. Jur. 2d Appellate Review § 32 (2010)
2 Am. Jur. 2d § 32 (2010).
Am. Jur. 2d, Vol. 5, Appellate Review § 32 (2010)
Question 41 Explanation: 
2 Am. Jur. 2d Appellate Review § 32 (2010)
Question 42
What happens to the cited material if no citation signal is used?
The cited material supports the proposition in the text.
The cited material is in contrary to the proposition in the text.
The cited material supports the proposition or indicates the source of a quote.
The cited material is one of several authorities that support the proposition in the text.
Question 42 Explanation: 
The cited material supports the proposition or indicates the source of a quote.
Question 43
A sponge has been left in a patient's abdomen due to the surgeon's negligence. The surgeon admitted the lack of duty of care. Please choose what would help the patient to complete their claim:
The patient should add that sponge was too large to stay in the patient’s abdomen.
The patient should add that they are able to file a complaint with the state medical board.
The patient should add that the surgeon’s action or inaction resulted in leaving the sponge in the patient’s abdomen.
The patient should add that it was impossible for the surgeon to remove the sponge without harming the patient.
Question 43 Explanation: 
The patient should add that the surgeon’s action or inaction resulted in leaving the sponge in the patient’s abdomen.
Question 44
A case involves a homeowner who was sued after a neighbor’s child drowned in the homeowner’s backyard pool. The homeowner’s backyard was fenced, but the gate at the side of the house was not latched, and the child entered through the unlatched gate to swim in the pool. Please mark a case that is similar to this one:
A passenger in a train station dropped a package containing glass ornament and the sound of the ornament breaking disturbed another passenger, who reacted in a way that caused her to injure her foot.
A case in which a 10-year-old entered a landowner’s property to play on an abandoned railroad switching turntable, having entered through a gap in a fence on the property.
A case in which a mother sued a driver for inflicting emotional distress after she witnessed the driver almost hit her son in front of her home.
Both B and C
Question 44 Explanation: 
A case in which a 10-year-old entered a landowner’s property to play on an abandoned railroad switching turntable, having entered through a gap in a fence on the property- this case is most similar to the one described.
Question 45
Please mark the incorrect capitalization:
The Sahara Desert
The Indian Subcontinent
The Middle East
The Pacific chain of islands
Question 45 Explanation: 
The Pacific Chain of Islands
Question 46
Please mark the correct pronoun case:
Among those who disagree with the court’s decision are Judge Mary and I.
Judge Mary and me disagree with the court’s decision.
None of the above
Both of the above
Question 46 Explanation: 
Both of the above are correct.
Question 47
Please mark the correct hyphenation:
She was a well-respected academic.
The quasi- doctor treated many patients.
She is all-loving.
All of the above
Question 47 Explanation: 
The quasi- doctor treated many patients.
Question 48
Please mark which of the following will finish loading in an hour: A ferry company has three bays for loading and unloading boats, identified as B1 A, B1 B, and B1 C. The company also has five boats that all need to be loaded for deliveries within one hour using only the three bays. Boat 1 will take 45 minutes to load. Boat 2 will take 25 minutes to load. Boat 3 will take 15 minutes to load. Boat 4 will take 35 minutes to load. Boat 5 will take 45 minutes to load.
Load Boat 1 and 4 in B1 A, Boat 2 in B1 B, and Boat 3 and 5 in B1 C.
Load Boat 1 and 2 in B1 A, Boat 4 in B1 B, and Boat 3 and 5 in B1 C.
Load Boat 1 in B A, Boat 2 and 4 in B1 B, and Boat 3 and 5 in B1 C.
Both A and C
Question 48 Explanation: 
Load Boat 1 in B A, Boat 2 and 4 in B1 B, and Boat 3 and 5 in B1 C.
Question 49
Please mark the incorrect modifier:
Remembering to water the plants, Jemma was about to leave the flat.
As the students began arriving, Mona was not ready for the class.
While giving a speech, my employer made a number of mistakes.
All of the above
Question 49 Explanation: 
All of the above are correct
Question 50
Aurora Travel is a Swedish corporation that markets cruises and other vacation packages. It employs 500 people. Aurora Travel’s Articles of Incorporation state that all employees are considered at-will employees, except for the President and other officers appointed by the Board of Directors. Mr. Eriksson is the President of Aurora Travel. Aurora Travel’s Human Resources Department issued an employee handbook stating that the rules in the handbook apply to all at-will employees. Is it correct to conclude that the rules of the employee handbook do not apply to Mr. Eriksson?
Yes, because Mr. Eriksson is not considered an employee of Aurora Travel.
No, because being an officer of Aurora Travel doesn't prevent the application of the handbook.
No, because the handbook was not approved by the Board of Directors.
Question 50 Explanation: 
No, because being an officer of Aurora Travel doesn't prevent the application of the handbook.
Question 51
Art to an artist is as:
bread: butter
super: superhero
crime: criminal
None of the above
Question 51 Explanation: 
Art to an artist is as crime to a criminal.
Question 52
Please mark the case which is most similar to the following: Sigrid is handling a real estate case that involves Lot A and Lot B, which are adjacent to each other. The owner of Lot A began digging a hole on his lot as the basement for the house he wanted to build. One edge of the hole was near the boundary line with Lot B, and during the digging process the edge near Lot B collapsed and part of Lot B fell into the hole on Lot A.
A mining company operated an open-pit mining operation on land that was owned and one area of the open-pit mine collapsed on a hauling company’s truck.
A case in which a farmer had the surface rights to farmland, and a mining company owned the subsurface mining rights and a mining operation caused the surface to collapse.
A case of a driver who lost control of her vehicle on an icy road and the vehicle left the road and ran through a landowner’s flower garden.
A case in which farmer neighbors had the surface rights to farmland and one neighbor’s above-ground swimming pool leaked and flooded the other neighbor’s property.
Question 52 Explanation: 
A case in which a farmer had the surface rights to farmland, and a mining company owned the subsurface mining rights and a mining operation caused the surface to collapse.
Question 53
Please mark the incorrect capitalization:
The district of Puerto Rico is the capital of the United States.
The state of Texas prohibits texting while driving.
The City of New York was a multicultural bridge.
Boston is a city in Massachusetts.
Question 53 Explanation: 
The district of Puerto Rico is the capital of the United States.
Question 54
A jurat is another term for:
statutory law
notary block
court office
Question 54 Explanation: 
A jurat is another term for a notary block.
Question 55
A code law is another term for statutory law. Is it true or false?
Question 55 Explanation: 
A code law is another term for statutory law.
Question 56
Laureen was walking by Dori’s Flowershop. As she passed under an open window ahe was hit by a falling flowerpot that caused serious injury to her head and arm. Laureen filed a negligence action against Dori’s Flowershop. At trial, the Microbrewery admits that the flowerpot was from the Flowershop and that they owed a duty of care to others under negligence law. Laureen also offered evidence of her injuries and medical expenses. Please mark other evidence that would help her to fill the negligence claim:
The flowerpot fell due to employees' carlessness.
The owner of the Flowershop is responsible for the entire case.
The Flowershop wanted to use the flowerpot at the same time when the accident happened.
Both B and C
Question 56 Explanation: 
The flowerpot fell due to employees' carlessness.
Question 57
Please mark the correct use of the present tense:
The theater opens at 8 tonight.
He owed him a duty of care because he was driving when he hit him.
The will be driving down that highway.
My lawyer is taking that flight this afternoon.
Question 57 Explanation: 
The theater opens at 8 tonight- present tense for announcements.
Question 58
The rule on ex parte communications prohibits routine communications by staff on procedural matters. Is it true or false?
Question 58 Explanation: 
The rule on ex parte communications does not prohibit routine communications by staff on procedural matters, such as scheduling.
Question 59
Please mark the length of a quotation that requires block quotation:
15 words or more
50 words or more
30 words or more
75 words or more
Question 59 Explanation: 
50 words or more
Question 60
Please mark the correct usage of a dash:
We must protect our salary-it is our right as workers.
mary saw her-green- bike going down the street.
The first ten amendments to the Constitution-the Bill of Rights-provides protection to citizens.
Question 60 Explanation: 
The first ten amendments to the Constitution-the Bill of Rights-provides protection to citizens.
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