Skincare Specialists: Salary Overview
Skincare specialists give facials and cleanse and beautify the face and the body of their clients.
Their job description typically includes evaluating the clients’ skin condition, discussing available treatment options, recommending skin products, referring clients to other skincare specialists, if necessary, and cleaning the equipment and work areas.
They may also remove unwanted hair, using wax, lasers, and other treatments.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly rate for skincare specialists was $16.39 as of May 2019 which means that half of all workers in this profession earned less than this amount while half earned more.
Hourly rates vary widely depending on the experience and education level, the industry, and the region of employment.
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The bottom 10 percent earned less than $9.85 per hour while the top 10 percent earned more than $30.07.
Some skin care specialists are paid an hourly rate and in this case, their total earnings vary depending on the number of billable hours while others earn a fixed salary.
Skincare Specialist Salary by Industry
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, skincare specialists held 78,600 jobs in the United States in 2019, most of them working in the field of personal care services, or were self-employed workers.
The report published by BLS shows that the skincare specialists who work in the field of personal care services earned $38,390 per year, on average while those working in the field of health and personal care stores reportedly made $35,960 per year as of May 2019.
The mean annual wage was $45,380 for skincare specialists who worked in offices of physicians and $39,000 for those in the travel accommodation sector.
Skincare specialists who worked in offices of other health practitioners reportedly made $43,590 per year, on average.
The top-paying field for this profession were general medical and surgical hospitals where this profession was remunerated, on average, with $46,550 per year.
Salaries also vary depending on the region and the state of employment.
The report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the top-paying states for this profession are Colorado, Washington, Hawaii, Wyoming, and Massachusetts, where skincare specialists reported salaries that averaged at more than $50,000 per year.
Skincare specialists in Arkansas and Indiana, on the other hand, reportedly earned less than $30,000 per year.
These earning reports apply only to salaries skincare specialists.
Those who are self-employed workers have additional responsibilities and their salary varies depending on how many clients they have, the quality of their services, and how many expenses they have.
Skincare specialists can also increase their earnings by getting additional certifications and learning new skills.
Graduating from a cosmetology or esthetician program is a requirement for this profession and you will also need a license from the state in which you want to practice.
Knowing how to use laser technology and skincare instruments is a requirement for this profession and completing post-licensing training and continuing education classes will help you keep up with the new advances in the field.
Job Prospects
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for skincare specialists is projected to grow 17 percent from 2019 to 2029.
The demand for this type of service is expected to grow as more women and men need skincare services to reduce the effects of aging, to look good in pictures, and to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Job opportunities are expected to show up in salons and spas but employment and salary prospects also vary depending on the region of employment, the local economy, and how many people afford these types of services.
Having a few years of experience, good technical and customer service skills will give you an advantage over your competitors on the job market and will help you earn more by practicing this profession.
* Based on information from the May 2021 salary report from the BLS. The figures represent accumulated data for all states of employment for Skincare Specialists. BLS data represents averages and medians for workers at all levels of education and experience. This data doesn't represent starting salaries.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.